
Rep. Nancy Mace makes new rape claims, blames South Carolina AG for inaction – New York Daily News

Rep. Nancy Mace makes new rape claims, blames South Carolina AG for inaction – New York Daily News

Republican representative Nancy Mays claimed a bomb that he was drugged and raped on the floor of the house on Monday night, after which she accused South Carolina General Prosecutor – her potential opponent in the state’s governor’s race – not to do anything to help her S

Throughout the day, Mace is annoyed with a big message that she plans to make at 7pm in the Nation’s Capitol. After the session began on Monday night, Mace put a hand to the Bible she had brought, promised to tell the truth, then accused four South Carolina “predators who hunt women for sports” for sexual exploitation of women, including herself.

According to the 47-year-old legislator, in November 2023, she found a video on her former fiancĂ©’s phone, showing him and three “business partners”, filming at least a dozen women, including Mace, in sexually compromising situations without their consent.

“What I found shocked me to the base,” she said.

Some of the victims, including Mace, were drugged and raped, according to the legislator. She said she had no idea if her ex or any of his associates attacked her. She also wonders if the video of the alleged crime in 2022 is on the Internet.

Mace baptized all four of the alleged rapists and showed his photos. None of the men she is accused is charged with a crime. Mace claims that more than 10,000 inappropriate videos can be related to four and claim to have presented evidence to the authorities.

Towards the end of her speech on Monday night, she got into the Attorney General that she failed to help her. While she was talking, an assistant placed a poster next to Mace presenting a photo of “Dinner Prosecutor General” Alan Wilson.

The Prosecutor General Wilson’s service responded with a statement that defended the Prosecutor’s Prosecutor’s Prosecutor’s Prosecutor’s protocol, summoned accusations of the contrary “politically motivated” and stated that her allegations against AG were “firm” incorrect.

“Miss Mace either does not understand, or purposefully incorrectly characterizes the role of the Prosecutor General,” said a statement by Wilson’s office. “At that time, our office did not receive reports or requests for assistance from any law enforcement agencies or prosecutor’s office on these issues. In addition, the Prosecutor General and the members of his cabinet played no role and had no knowledge of these allegations until her public statements. “

Neither Wilson nor Mace have announced their possible intentions to run for a governor when the government, limited by Henry McMaster, has withdrawn.

In 2020, Mace came out to say that she had been raped for more than two decades earlier and never discussed it publicly. This incident ended in the heart of ABC News host George Stefanopoulos when he asked Mace as a victim of rape she could support Donald Trump, who was found “responsible for rape” in a civil court.

Trump, who was found responsible for the sexual abuse of the author E. Jean Carroll decades ago, filed a lawsuit against ABC News for the choice of Stefanopoulos words. The network arranged the case by carrying out $ 15 million at the Trump Presidential Library.

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