
“Wicked and Cynical”: Fraudster Conned Woman of £ 19k for homework – Irvine Times

“Wicked and Cynical”: Fraudster Conned Woman of £ 19k for homework – Irvine Times

Dalrymple Conman Stuart Peters replaced the victim’s unsuspecting windows in her Stewarton home in October 2019 while working for company.

She contacted him in February 2020 to ask him to finish more work, and although he was fired six months later by the company, he managed to receive thousands of pounds, continuing to delay the completion of the works.

The 37-year-old returned to the Sheriffe Court of Kilmarnock for a sentence-more than three years after the crime, which took place between March 2020 and September 2021.

A prosecutor told the court that he had informed his victim that he was now a manager of the company area and could provide a discount on the new windows he wanted.

She paid a deposit of 895 British pounds and placed an Windows order worth 6,528 pounds.

A month later, in March 2020, Peters informed her that the work would be delayed due to the restrictions on Covid-19.

She then received an email stating that a new date for installing the windows would be arranged by an agent.

Cassillis Courts uses several different telephone numbers between December 2020 and May 2021 to ask his victim money for various deposits, including production, storage and carpenters, while continuing to press the window installation date.

He also informs her that her windows have been stolen and will require a deposit for new windows while he claims to be waiting for insurance money to recover it.

Fiscal MP said: “The accused continued to offer excuses as the windows he paid to do the job, had come out of work or let him that the owner of [the company] He was seriously ill with Covid.

“The defendant then informed the applicant by a text message that a local joinery company had been paid for installing the windows, but they canceled all the work he has booked to do, which will cause additional delays.”

Peters also suggested that he install a new bathroom and a discount shower agreed with the woman, and she transferred additional funds, but was never done.

Employees visited the company in November 2021 and spoke with the managing director, who informed them that Peters were fired in August 2020 after complaints were received.

Graem Cunninghame lawyer told the court that Peters had difficulty in cocaine and gambling he was ahead.

He said: “When he was interviewed by the Managing Director, he told him about these difficulties at the time. It was something that was drawn to the attention of those who deal with it quite close to the beginning.

“The debts stopped out of control. Both questions were addressed by his own back some time ago.

“[The victim] He had contacted him with the number she had and he saw him as an opportunity to solve the problems he had, but now, in the cold light of the day, he would never receive the materials.

“No money has been paid by it and I know [the company] The work for her finished.

“He has passed the threshold of custody, he knows that the seriousness of the question is. Maybe the saving grace is the age of the issue. The record before the court is old.”

Sheriff Colin Bisset said: “Your crime was an wicked and cynical fraud committed on someone who clearly trusts you on a business relationship previously created with your former employer.

“You took this money without thinking about how you will ever pay it off. And although you haven’t talked to you in 2023, you haven’t done a single thing to get a penny from it since then.

“I don’t know what you expected to do of this origin. You seem to be unable to understand the seriousness of what you did.”

Peters was placed in an order for the payment of the community with the supervision of social work for 12 months and ordered to complete 280 hours of unpaid work.

“If you don’t place this order, I’m ready and I’m waiting to send you to prison,” the sheriff warned.

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