
This week in South Florida: Rosalind Osgood and Juan Carlos Porras – WPLG Local 10

This week in South Florida: Rosalind Osgood and Juan Carlos Porras – WPLG Local 10

Last week, Florida governor Ron Ron Ron replaced the Florida highway patrol to make immigration arrests, an order that does not need the state legislative body to approve.

He also hinted at a compromise this week, which will come in a very public opposition to the chamber and the Senate leaders, who bend their own powers with state immigration plans.

With just three weeks to go to a Talahasi session, this is just one of the big solutions in the list of your legislators in Florida.

Joining this week in the host of southern Florida Glenda Milberg for discussion is State Senator Rosalind Osgood, Democrat from Braurd County and former Chairman of the Braurge County School Council, and State Representative Juan Carlos Postas, a Republican from Miami-Dad, who was elected In a position after several years as a legislative assistant.

For the author
Glen Milberg chill
Gleam Milberg

Glena Milberg joined Local 10 News in September 1999 to report the best stories and problems with the South Florida community. She also serves as a host in the broadcast of the local 10 questions, “This week in South Florida.”

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