
Krewe from Achilles takes “Vegas Vacation” during the 68th Annual Ball at Baton Rouge – Advocate

Krewe from Achilles takes “Vegas Vacation” during the 68th Annual Ball at Baton Rouge – Advocate

The mystical Achilles Crees celebrates its 68th annual carnival ball on February 1 at the River Center of the Cane Raising.

Krewe revealed from the excitement of the topic “Vacation in Vegas”, such as Ball Capitan cousin “Cousin Eddie” took them to see all his favorite concerts and residences in Las Vegas on striptease in Las Vegas.

The festivities began with the presentation of King Achilles LXVIII Russell Moseli and Her Majesty Queen Achilles Tracy McMenes. After the royal alley, the royalty took its seats to have fun with the table.

Ball captain Achilles Ben Graham (cousin Eddie) opened the show, singing with his favorite song, Beach Boys’ Good Vibrations as he was sitting outside his home in the home in the radioactive desert, just outside Vegas. He spent the rest of the show with Clark Griswald, played by Hugo Andrenic, walking up and down the tape to see his favorite casino concerts.

Then Royalty, Krewe and guests had fun with the members of the Rebecca Harrod table as Carrie Underwood in the world Las Vegas New Resorts. The MGM Park brought Scott Riter in the role of Bruno Mars and Eliza Madox as Lady Gaga. Then Clark and Eddie went to the Caesari Palace to see Dr Nail Chapel in the role of Rod Stuart, Yvette Fur as Adele and Dr. Henry Barham as Gart Brooks. At that time, it was seen “Magic Mike”, played by Michael Murphy, followed by Planet Hollywood to see “Las Vegas Queen” and Kentwood superstar, played by Ashley Fonttenot and Becky Maher in the role of Shaniyena Tain. Finally, the couple ended their night in Mandalay Bay to see Michael Jackson, played by Patton Brantley, with special guest performers, the girls from LSU Tiger, who make their routine at the 2024 National Championship at Michael Jackson’s “Glass Crime.”

The pages of the King were Tedford McCulow, son of Austin and Catherine McCulow, Jr. And Jack Broot and Graham Broot, children of Chad and Edith Broot.

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Also, part of Krewe of Achilles Tableaux are on the left, Eliza Madox as Lady Gaga, Scott Ritter as Bruno Mars, Patton Brantley as Michael Jackson, Ashi Fonttenot as Britney Spears and Ivet Fur as Adel.

Queen’s pages were Mary Taylor Bussel and Jack Brian Buzel, children of Achilles President John Ross Bussel and Kelly Buzzel.

Mystic Krewe of Achilles Officers for 2024-2025 are John Ross Buzzl, President; Patrick B. Hall, elected president; M. Scott McNight, Vice President; David Folk, Secretary; Steve Maher, cashier; Pete Martinez, Director of Table; Judson Sanders, Assistant Director of the Table; Jody Montelo, Chief Committee; And Benjamin Graham, the immediate past president.

Keith Dickson directed Tableau, who was choreographed by Teresa Whitaker with special help from Leonard August. Tableau makeup was provided by Sarah Bes Brown by Kiss & Makeup, and hairstyles by Dugg Kirkpatrick.

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