
Tammy Kim is coming out of district 5 competition after Residency Challenge – New University

Former council member Tammy Kim retired from the race for the Irvine open place on February 7th on February 7, ending his candidacy to return to the governing body of the city after raising the legal pressure, raised doubts about her residence in the area S

In a statement published in the early evening, Kim called the legal challenge “unfounded” and said it was “completely acceptable to manage” but did not provide additional details about his residence. She attributes her withdrawal to personal harassment and what she described as “unacceptable and unrelated” demands outlined in a declaration.

“This test clearly showed that their case was never for my residence – it is an attempt to buy influence and exercise control over the city,” Kim wrote in the statement.

Her decision to get out of the race came two weeks after the lawyers representing former mayor Ron Skolsdang, a 24 -page investigative report to Irvine City Carl Petersen, have forwarded an investigative report. The report alleges that Kim’s “real residence” is in district 3 and not at its registered address in district 5 – details that they claim to be sufficient grounds for disqualification from the newsletter under the California Electoral Code.

After receiving the report, the Ervine Municipal Council convened a special meeting on January 28 on “significant exposure to court disputes”. The same week, Council member William Go replaced Kim’s appointment as Commissioner for Finance of the city with the new appointed Rus Fanvong, according to the city’s website. Initially, GO appointed Kim in December 2024. Kim and GO had approved the campaigns of Municipal Council 2 and District 5 respectively, respectively.

The legal battle escalated when the lawyers for Skolsdang and Kim presented oral arguments before the judge of the Supreme Court of the Orange Craig Griffin County on February 6th. The petitioner’s lawyer has asked Griffin to provide an application for a written term that will require the city of Irvine to be removed from the newsletter. However, Voice of OC reported that Griffin “did not decide until the end of discussions on Thursday.”

Hours after Kim’s announcement, the Democratic Party of Orange County, which approved its offer for district 5, issued a statement accusing Sacramento’s Republican operatives for the legal challenge. The group claims that these operating persons “work to strengthen big corporate players in an attempt to shift the will of Ervine’s voters.”

“Tammy Kim will no longer be on the newsletter, but voters must be kept by Republican operating persons who make corporations are likely to impose unpopular proposals through the City Council,” the statement said.

The young Democrats of Orange County, who also approved Kim, have since deleted all Instagram publications related to her campaign.

Neither Scolesdang nor his lawyers publicly commented after Kim’s departure.

The departure of Kim from the race leaves three candidates who are fighting for the open site of 5: Commissioner for Transport and former Council member Anthony Kuo, public relations consultant Betty Martinez Franco and Hoa member Dana Cornelius.

The special municipal elections for filling in the vacancy are set for April 15.

Kian Mameny is a writer of news staff. It can be reached [email protected]S

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