
Dogged dogs persisted of Wyoming’s genealogy – Oil City News

Dogged dogs persisted of Wyoming’s genealogy – Oil City News

From Tennessee Watson

The Mushari and their permanent puppies collided with a challenging time in Western Wyoming during the 30th race for dogs from the family stage. From the breeks of traces to the monitoring temperatures, these dog dogs pushed, or maybe better said, pulled through mixed conditions this week.

Following the opening ceremonies on January 31 in Jackson Hole, the seven -speed competition of 215 miles made stops in Ponendale, Big Pine, Marblet, Kemmer and Lander. The competition ends on Saturday in Dubua. The fierce time has canceled the second stage in Ponendale.

Two of the 17 teams are from Germany, the rest are from the US and Canada. The five -time -time champion Annie Malo of St. Zenon, Quebec, who violated her victorious series in 2024, was in the average at the middle point of the race.

This article was originally published by Wyofile and was reprinted here with permission. Wyofile is an independent non -profit organization focused on people, places and policy of Wyoming.

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