
Tennis Teams CUI Sweep Hope International – Concordia University Irvine Athletics

Tennis Teams CUI Sweep Hope International – Concordia University Irvine Athletics

Irvine, the California team of the University of Concordia, Irvane improved to 3-0 on Friday with a distance of Hope International, while the women’s team followed a 4-0 winning suit to move to the younger season.

Cui’s men played first after a delayed start, as all the teams played at Clinch (first to 4 points a day to secure a win).

Returning Spencer son and Adam Cartzinel Take care of the opposition with a 6-3 victory in pairs # 3. This came shortly after Max Muller and Felix Weichle Won on the spot # 1.

Max RenzKartzinel and Keyon Cahvarehchi have dealt with their business in their single matches to achieve CUI’s victory.

In the match for the ladies, Cui won Doubles Point quite quickly. Bralin Johnson and All-Pacwest First Team Selection Sophie Rachor Won 6-0 in pairs # 1 and Cheyenne Houkes and Christina Dinakova I did the same with couples # 2.

Dvoakova and Houkes found a constant success of spots No. 3 and No. 4, respectively, winning in two sets. Houkes take care of the business with a perfect number 6-0, 6-0.

Pia Starneker The Golden Eagles win with a 6-1, 6-0 victory for the №5 single.

The ladies will host Cal State La on Wednesday, February 12, before heading for Cal Tech with the men’s team on Saturday, February 15

After heading the Riverside City College on Saturday exhibition, the CUI men will head to Claremont to fight Claremont-Mudd-Scripps on Valentine’s Day next Friday.

Click here for the full CUI tennis schedule

Click here for the full CUI tennis schedule

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