
“We need these funds. This is not an excess ”: The director’s assistant is responsible after Mayor Edwards offers a library movement – WAFB

“We need these funds. This is not an excess ”: The director’s assistant is responsible after Mayor Edwards offers a library movement – WAFB

Baton Rouge, La. (WAFB) – This year, taxpayers gave the library just over $ 65 million a job. The money comes from 11.1 million tax to go directly to the library. The money goes for salaries, maintenance, programs and of course books.

Library auxiliary Mary Stein says that the mayor’s plan to move this money to the parish general fund puts what the voters approve of in danger.

“Changing the method it has worked in the last 40 years is not the way to do it,” Stein said.

President Mayor Sid Edwards says that since the library works with excess, he would like to take the mill that manages the library and move it to the General Paris Fund. There, the parish can spend it on things like public safety, roads and other initiatives in the parish.

“They have a $ 114 million balance balance at the moment and we want to work with the library because here is the deal, we are not trying to remove libraries. We will fund the library better than any other library system in Louisiana, “said Mayor Edwards.

However, Stein says the mayor’s numbers are flat wrong. She says the library has only $ 92 million in the bank and the money is intended for upcoming projects and maintenance.

“We need these means. This is not an excess, we constantly find ways to save, to go down there so that it is ready when we are ready to pull the trigger of the project, “Stein added.

Mayor Edwards promises that even if some of the money is used elsewhere, he will make sure that the library is fully funded.

“Let’s say that the money goes into the common fund, and the library comes here and needs a replaced roof, we want to start some new programs. That money will still be there, “Edwards added.

Stein fears that after the money enters the parish boxes, the library system will not see enough of it to preserve its facilities and programs around the parish, as is now.

“If we are folded back into the General Fund and no longer control our own costs, we will not receive these costs, and the northern part of the parish is where the next set of improvements is scheduled as it is due. They are the next oldest branches, “Stein explained.

The mayor’s plan must go to the council provided to take it in March. If accepted, it will be on the newsletter in October.

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