
Rock Band Alabama Shakes makes a collection tour to Irving this summer – CultureMap Dallas

Rock Band Alabama Shakes makes a collection tour to Irving this summer – CultureMap Dallas

The revival of a career like the one that happened to Kay Hui Quan are extremely rare in Hollywood. As a child he scored two big roles from the back in the back in Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom and GooniesS While he found a job from time to time afterwards, his career was most in a dream, starting in 2002 until it was aired Everything everywhere at onceAn Oscar role.

He is now the city’s toast, including his first ever role as a leading role in Love hurtsS Quan plays Marvin Gable, a ruthlessly positive real estate agent, which is the best seller in his area. But from the beginning of the movie, it is clear that he has a hidden background, as he receives a veiled threat in a note from a woman named Rose (Ariana Deboz), who is seen early to defile many of her ads around the city.

When a heavy, called Garvan (Mustafa Shakir), he encounters Marvin in his office, he is drawn back into his old life, where he participated in his brother Coning’s criminal enterprise (Daniel Wu). Soon he avoids attacks on many fronts, looking at Rose, and all the time he tries to maintain appearances for his daily work.

Director of Jonathan Eusebio (Coordinator of Cascades who made his directorial debut) and written by Matthew Murray, Josh Stodard and Luke Pasmore, the film is a great excuse for showing the martial arts skills he demonstrates in the role of an Oscar S Although there is some resemblance to a story, it is most of all to create different scenes of battle; There is little attempt to get the audience to take care of one of the bets.

Instead, Eusebio and his team hesitate between moments of tranquility and sequences with extremely violence. Quan and his fellow fighters (in addition to Shakir, he confronts Marchaun Lynch, Kam Gigandet and others) participate in a series of creative movements designed to inflict as much pain as possible. Comparing the seemingly soft manipulation of Marvin with his abilities works relatively well, as well as the variety of tools used as weapons (pencils, beans straws, feathers and more, go into play in the course of the movie).

But the lack of a full story is catching up with the movie in the end, because instead of building it to a big finish, there is a decreasing return with each scene. The filmmakers are trying to distract with a semi-artistic romantic relationship between the Ravra and Marvin assistant, Ashley (Leo Tipton), something that works much better than the hints of a connection between Marvin and Rose. There is also a mini-Goonies Union with Sean Astin as the chief of Marvin this is something fun, but the antipathy between Marvin and his attackers never develops completely.

Quan is a joyous presence that makes his level best to become a leading actor, but he did not serve well in the movie as a whole. Debose, the Oscar -winning winner, seems to have stuck in Ruta of mediocre roles that do not allow her to show her skills as Western HistoryS Lynch again shows that he is reliable in the roles of the comic blow, while Tipton and Shakir are the only other actors who have any kind of impact.

Valentine’s theme for Love hurts It is not the only part of the movie that feels glued. While the idea of ​​letting Quan show off your skills is good in theory, it seems that a very little thought is put in this showcase effective. The result is an unforgettable action comedy, which puts a greater emphasis on ultraviosity than its history.

Love hurts It opened in the theaters on February 7th.

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