The Scottsdale Police Department is the recipient of two grants from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) for fiscal year 2025.
The Speed Awareness Grant (#2025-PTS-057 totaling $60,000) will allow the Scottsdale Police Department to focus its educational efforts on the dangers of speeding and reckless driving.
The Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Grant (#2025-405g-011, totaling $55,000) will fund education and enforcement efforts related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety throughout the city, including in the entertainment district.
Serious and fatal traffic collisions continue to be a problem for our department and these grants will help address these issues. The focus will be on speed awareness and safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
Ultimately, the funding and awarding of these grants will help us achieve our department’s goal of proactively reducing the number of collisions on our roadways and increasing community safety.