
This rare Australian Kangaroo Rat was on the edge. Now he is back – SBS News

This rare Australian Kangaroo Rat was on the edge. Now he is back – SBS News

Once he is thought to have disappeared, Gilbert’s stream can return.
The most critically threatened Australia Marsupial was rediscovered near Albani, Western Australia in 1994, having disappeared for more than a century.
Now, Australian scientists at the Ministry of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) have found that their efforts to protect them show signs of recovery with an increase in the number of Potoroo that exceeded the size of the original population.

In order to preserve the types, “insurance populations” are created by DBCA and now show signs of success.

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What is Gilbert’s Potoroo?

The most endangered gloomy and rarest sums in Australia in the world in the world, Gilbert’s stream is a small rat-bagu found on the southern shore of Western Australia.
Weighing less than a pound, sometimes called a “kangaroo rat”, even though they are in a different family of kangaroo.

They are nocturnal creatures who spend their night digging into the ground for delicious underground fungi that make up over 90 percent of their diet.

They have a period of pregnancy of 38 days – the longest of any dried – and carry their young in a bag for up to four months. They have one young at one time, but they can multiply at any time of the year and can have up to two babies a year.

This is one of the three main types of Potoroo in Australia-the other are the long and long legs that live on the east coast. It is believed that another species, the broad -school potoroo, has disappeared.

Once they think he has disappeared that he has disappeared

At one point, scientists could not find any Gilbert’s strengths in Wald.
“The last specimen of the early era was collected in the 1980s and no one was recorded by Science until 1906, when another study was made,” said Dr. Tony friend, who led the Protection Program, told the Program, told the Protection Program, told the Protection Program ABC News on Friday.
“Thus, the decision was made that the small animal had disappeared or that was the opinion.”

It will be almost more hundred years before the small creatures appear in the TWO PEPLES BAY Nature Reserve in Albany, Western Australia, in 1994.

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What did scientists do to save Gilbert’s Potoroo?

The new study outlines the key management actions to save the species between 1994 and 2024, with scientists discovering that the use of “insurance” populations is effective to ensure the survival of a scanrus rat.
Between 2005 and 2014, the original population of Potoroo was moved to two insurance places.
“It was always the plan and it just took a long time,” a friend said. “We were very lucky that in the 10th years it took it before we had an insurance population that there was no fire.”
An insurance population was in a continental enclosure in the nearby Waichi National Park. The other was on the island of Bald off the coast of the southern region of Western Australia, which proved to be “perfect” for the restoration of the population.
A friend said the location of the island is perfect because it is difficult for people to reach and have none of the key predators of stream, such as foxes, cats and pythons.
“It works really well. The habitat was perfect. There was a lot of food,” he said.

“Very soon there was more on the island than in the original population.”

The insurance population was crucial when in 2015 the devastating bush passed through the Nature Reserve of two folk bays, effectively erasing the original population.
“When we studied the rediscovered population, we found that only about 40 individuals remained in a small area of ​​Heathland on Mount Gardner [within the Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve]”A friend said.
But the establishment of new Potoroo populations through translocation was described as “the most precious technique for restoring this type.”
Researchers have found that successful species conservation requires a combination of effective fire management, wild predators control, strategies to adapt climate change and community intercession.

By 2024, it was estimated that 120 of the Gilbert Proceedings were left in the wild – a pretty good improvement from scratch.

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