
Protesters against Trump demonstrate outside the State Capitol of Wyoming – Yahoo! Voices

Protesters against Trump demonstrate outside the State Capitol of Wyoming – Yahoo! Voices

Cheyenne – Dave Gustafson is a veteran of the United States who fights in the Vietnam War. He now sees the country that represents and supports the values ​​that are opposite to those for whom he has fought.

“This is where it begins. When I was in Vietnam, they taught you the best time to escape if you become a prisoner, it is right at the beginning before they have time to take you to a more secure place, “Gustafson said. “It’s absolutely true here. The time to stop this fascism, which is trying to control in our country, is right at the beginning before they can consolidate themselves. If we don’t, it’s on our own danger. “

In the 2024 election, Wyoming’s voters had the highest support margin for President Donald Trump in all 50 states. On Wednesday, Gustafson and other adversaries of Trump and the Republican Party gathered in front of the State Capitol of Wyoming to demonstrate against the direction in which the country is directed.

Organized by Cheen Joe Ramirez’s resident as part of the Trump protests planned to happen on Wednesday in all 50 states, about 40 people attended to share their stories and talk against conservative policies, especially those currently being presented From the cause of Wyoming’s freedom, which has received a cause of Wyoming’s freedom, which has been the first freedom, is the majority in the state legislative branch in the nation this year.

“When I went to Vietnam as a young man, they told me that I was fighting for my country and since then I found out through reading and research and everything that I was helping to support probably the most corrupt government in the world at that time, the South Vietnamese government. … It had nothing to do with American freedom, it had nothing to do with the protection of our rights here at home. That had everything to do with greed and corruption, “Gustafson said.

“And now, as an old man, I see these people here fight for our rights, which are actually taken away, as we say, from a corrupt billionaire. And I really feel like I’m breaking down my oath into the Constitution. “

He speaks against all bills set out by the cause of Wyoming Freedom, more specially related to education.

These include one that would ban diversity, programming justice and inclusion in higher education and another, which would create a universal program for a school voucher. The opponents of the last bill, a bill for the Chamber 199, claim that it will be beneficial for wealthy families, while removing significant funds from the struggling school system.

Several students from the University of Wyoming have traveled from Larami to attend the demonstration to share their concerns about how conservative policies can adversely affect the population of minorities.

“The minorities have worked too hard for the rights they have finally received to take them away from them and I don’t want it to happen,” said Lucas K, a freshman of UW. “I do not want the rights we have worked hard so that we are equal to others in order to be taken away and that we are considered as fewer people when we are not.”

Another freshman of UW, Ashley Y, has taken a special problem with the Senate 62 dossier that will ban transgender people from using municipal facilities such as toilets and replacement of facilities.

Outside the state participants also came to show their support for the cause of the demonstration.

One person who wished to remain anonymous for fear of his personal safety came with a group of people from Fort Collins, Colorado.

A similar protest happened on Wednesday before the Capitol of Colorado in Denver. She said she wanted to come to Cheen because she had lived in Dubois and Lander for 15 years.

“Many people appear in Denver and we knew that our brothers and sisters in Wyoming needed some support, more bodies to represent,” she said. “… It doesn’t matter what state you are, what Elon Musk and his chases do is grossly unconstitutional and illegal. They steal the data of the American people and make decisions that are not authorized to make. Not like private citizens, not as the executive branch. If you respect the Constitution, observe the Constitution. “

Several present spent speeches and began to chant during the demonstration, as cars moving along the 24th street collided in support of their cause.

Before the event ended, protesters passed around Capitol as they waved flags, including the transgender flag, the LGBTQ flag and the American flag.

Gustafson said it was inspiring to see young people at the event fighting and protesting what he believes are true American values.

“If we maintain this and do not let it go and continue to fight for what America is really standing for, we will prevail,” he said. “If we hide, if we hide in our holes, if we don’t talk, then we will lose our democracy. Guaranteed. “

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