
University of Nevada, Reno Honors Students win introductory honors from Trivia Bowl College – Nevada today

University of Nevada, Reno Honors Students win introductory honors from Trivia Bowl College – Nevada today

Just before the winter break, the University of Nevada, Reno Honors College reigns a supreme university in Nevada, Reno Vs. Unlv Honors College Trivia Bowl Competition. The function is carried out in a room for the capacity of viewers in the building of UnlV legal schools. The University’s Trivia College Trivia team consisted of six students, representing a wide range of specialties.

The academic event is intended to unite the students of the two research institutions of the state in an exercise for the development of knowledge. The potential participants participated in a strict screening and selection process. With the help of the President of the Student Council of the University of Yajahira Dirchio and Vice President Selesta Robbles, six honors were selected to make a winning team. This was followed by intensive preparation with an average of three meetings/training, conducted weekly, led by Tim Hanifan, President of the Honors College Association.

They eventually chose to present their universities involved in four rounds of wide -ranging topics. Focus areas have filled the range of Nevada history to science, mathematics, arts, literature and pop culture. The university team prevailed in overtime with the question of breaking down links “How many square miles are there in the state of Nevada?”

After their match, students in both teams of honors were recognized at the Allegiant Stadium football field during the Freemont Cannon game later that day.

Event hosting responsibilities will revolve between UNLV Honors College and the University of Nevada, Reno’s Honors College, along with the Fremont Cannon annual football games. The event is expected to be held in November 2025 in Renault in November.

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