
TXDOT is looking for a Community contribution to Corridor I -27, aims to increase trade from Larendo to Canada –

TXDOT is looking for a Community contribution to Corridor I -27, aims to increase trade from Larendo to Canada –

A spokesman for the Texas Department of Transport visited the Dumas Noon Lons Club on Thursday to overcome the entrance sessions in the community for some projects that will be managed by TXDOT in the coming years.

“So we are currently in the public participation and the stakeholder phase, where we are trying to get the biggest contribution from the community with what they would like to see for the upcoming ports to the I-27 corridor, which will come here,” said Jason Breek, a public information employee of TXDOT.

“In fact, there is no strong interstate system that runs through the middle of Texas in which we are in,” says Bob Brinkman, mayor of Dumas. “I-27 will fulfill this role to move trading to the plains, mainly from Larendo to Canada.”

“We want to maintain the cycle or to surround as much as possible to the word,” says Milton Pax, Vice -President of Ports to Plains. “There are currently about three options, everything will cost money, everything will take some land that has already been developed, but the idea is to have it as close as possible to a word, so we do not suffer from bypass that comes. “

There will be a number of projects coordinated by TXDOT simultaneously in the word and around Moore County, so TXDOT asks everyone to have patience when entering road construction areas. TXDOT will provide dates and hours for upcoming project entrance sessions.

Plains port project is expected to take between 10 and 15 years.

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