
Virginia MPs call on CDC to resume the release of disease on the background of surge of bird flu – Wvec

Virginia MPs call on CDC to resume the release of disease on the background of surge of bird flu – Wvec

Legislators emphasize the importance of “Virginia’s healthy agricultural industry”, which contributes to $ 82.3 billion a year to the country’s economy.

Washington, Colombia District – US Representative Bobby Scott, along with several other members of the Virginia Congress, signed a letter calling for CDC to resume communications in diseases and viral foci.

Scott is a 3rd Virginia Congress, which covers most of the roads in Hampton, including Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk and Portsmouth.

Their request comes against the backdrop of increasing cases of bird flu that could have significant economic consequences for Virginia.

The letter cites numerous foci of bird flu in the state in January, including cases in the ACCOMACK County, the Zoo of the Richmond Metro and the Delmavar.

Previous: The Virginia Beach Farm temporarily closes due to positive cases of bird flu

Legislators emphasize the importance of “Virginia’s healthy agricultural industry”, which contributes to $ 82.3 billion a year to the state’s economy and supports more than 380,000 jobs.

“In order to avoid the economic loss of the highest private industry in the country, it is imperative that we prioritize bioffire,” the members of the Virginia Congress wrote. “Biorship includes strong state and federal partnerships, including communications.”

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