
Senator Jean Yau wants to tax the skills games, the environment – 69news wfmz -tv

Senator Jean Yau wants to tax the skills games, the environment – 69news wfmz -tv

Harrisburg, PA. – State Senator Jean Jau has announced his intention to introduce legislation, which will establish a regulatory framework and structure of the video game tax. Part of the tax revenue will be placed in the Fund for Clean Flow.

As a member of the Commission and Environment Committees in Chesapik Bay, Senator Jau is particularly engaged in the restoration and preservation of water throughout his government.

Senator Yau sent a note to Senate members, explaining that legislation could add approximately $ 300 million immediate annual tax revenue.

“Skill games are part of the economy in our country. They cannot and should not be ignored, “said Senator Yau. “With each passing day, Pennsylvania misses significant additional revenue for important programs such as the Fund for Clean Flow. It is vital for the legislature to take the necessary steps to regulate this industry by taking advantage of significant revenue and supporting the backbone of Pennsylvania: our small businesses. “

If accepted, the legislation will require all games to be connected to a terminal collection and control system that allows all transactions to be monitored, ensuring that all taxes are charged and paid. There will be more penalties for the operation of unlicensed and illegal games and gambling devices, and a valid ID card must be presented for play.

In addition, legislation will not allow the games to be a major source of income of the establishment and to limit the number of authorized terminals on the spot.

The legislation will direct the only regulatory authority regarding the sale, distribution and use of video game systems of skills to the Ministry of Revenue. The implementation will be carried out by the Alcohol Control Bureau.

The Fund for Clean Flow, created in 2023, deals with the protection of agriculture, nutrient management, the purchase of clean water, the management of rainwater and the drainage of acids. The program has helped Pennsylvania make significant progress in reducing its pollution on Chesapike Bay.

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