
Memorial of St. Paul Mickey and satellites, martyrs – February 06, 2025 – The Virgin – Catholic Culture

Memorial of St. Paul Mickey and satellites, martyrs – February 06, 2025 – The Virgin – Catholic Culture

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Memorial of St. Paul Mickey and Satellites, Martyrs

Other memory: St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr (RM); St. Theophilus, Martyr (RM)


06 February 2025 (USCCB website readings)

Collect a prayer

Memorial of St. Paul Mickey: God, the power of all the saints who are pleased to call the martyrs St. Paul Mickey and the companions of life, Grant, we pray that through their intercession we can keep with courage even to the death of the faith we profess. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and always.


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Today is St. Paul Mickey Memorial, Japanese Jesuit and his twenty -five satellites (Um. 1597)who were martyred in Nagasaki, Japan. They were the first martyrs from East Asia to be canonized. They were killed simultaneously, raised on crosses and then stabbed with copies. Their executioners were amazed after seeing their joy from their connectivity with the passion of Christ.

Thehe Martyrology also commemorated St. Dorothy, Virgin Martyr (Um. 300) and St. Theophilus, lawyer and martyr (mind 300), Martyrs in Caesarea in Cappadocia. Although their history cannot be historically justified, these are an example of saints whose holidays are removed from the universal calendar, but still marked as saints within the limits of MartyrologyS

St. Paul Mickey and satellites

Nagasaki, Japan, is known to Americans as the city where the second atomic bomb was launched, killing hundreds of thousands. Three centuries and a half earlier, twenty -six martyrs from Japan were crucified on a hill, now known as the Holy Mountain, overlooking Nagasaki. Among them were priests, brothers and laymen, Franciscans, Jesuits and members of the secular Franciscan Order; There were catechists, doctors, simple craftsmen and servants, old men and innocent children – they all united in a common faith and love for Jesus and His Church.

Brother Paul Mickey, Jesuit and a native of Japan, has become the most famous of the martyrs from Japan. As he was hanging on Paul Mickey, he preached to the people gathered for the execution: “The judgment of the court says that these men came to Japan from the Philippines, but I did not come from any other country. I’m real Japanese. The only reason because I have been killed that I have learned the teaching of Christ believe and I want to tell you again: Ask Christ to help you become happy. I hope my blood will fall on my colleagues as a fruitful rain. ”

When missionaries returned to Japan in the 1860s, they did not find a trace of Christianity at the beginning. But after they found themselves, they discovered that thousands of Christians live around Nagasaki and that they had secretly preserved the faith. Biytified in 1627, Japan’s martyrs were finally canonized in 1862.

-Whp Holy DayLeonard Foley, ofm

Accents and things to do:

  • The survival of Japanese Catholicism is one of the most touching stories in the whole history of the church. For more than two centuries, people had no priests, but they lived the faith, as they could, secretly, secretly, not daring to retain written materials, but to convey their beliefs from mouth to mouth. (James Hitchcock, Martyrs in Nagasaki) You can read more in this article from the Catholic Culture Library, Martyrs NagasakiS

  • Stop for a moment today to pray for Christians who are persecuted around the world.

  • Read more about St. Paul Mickey and Comrades:
  • Check out this video St. Paul Mickey.

  • These relics of martyrs are in the Basilica of Nagasaki from the twenty -six Holy Martyrs of Japan.

  • describe the Japanese style of the crucifix: “To put iron brackets around the wrists, ankles and throat, a piece of left and right and right ribs for weight is placed between the legs, and a person to the opposite shoulder. “

  • Read Pope Pius XII encyclical Meminissee iuvat About the prayers for the chased church.

  • See Catholic cuisine for some food suggestions for this holiday, including Fortune cookies.

St. Doroths from Caesaria and St. Theophilus

St. Dorothy, (ie, the gift of God), a virgin from Cesaria in Cappadocia, seemed to suffer the death of the martyr under Diocletian. Her relics are worshiped in a church dedicated to her honor in the section of Trastevere in Rome. (At the door of St. Dorothy Church, the names of those who did not receive Holy Communion during Easter was published.) It was introduced into the Roman calendar during the Middle Ages.

A very edifying story is related to its name. Since Dorothy was executed because of her faith in Christ, she prays: “Thank you, a lover of souls for calling me in paradise of your paradise.” A certain theophilus, a young lawyer and an employee of the Roman governor, replied cheerfully: “Goodbye, the bride of Christ, sends me apples or roses from the garden garden of the groom.” Dorothy replied, “I’ll surely do it.”

As she devoted herself to a prayer at the few moments allowed before she received death, she saw a vision for a beautiful young man who wore three apples and three roses in a napkin. She told him, “I urge you to take them to Theophilus.” Soon her sword interrupted her neck and her soul returned to God.

As Theophilus made fun of his friend about Dorothy’s promise, a young man stood in front of him, holding underwear that was wrapped in three beautiful apples and three magnificent roses.

“Look, the Virgin Dorothy sends you from the garden of her groom, even when she promised you.” He was very surprised because it was February and everything in nature was frozen, Theophilus received the gifts and shouted, “Really really, Christ is God.” And soon he also died the death of a martyr for public recognition of faith.

-Whp The year of grace of the churchDrink

Patronage: Brewery; brides; florists; gardeners; midwives; newlyweds; Skia, Italy

Symbols and representation: Flower crowned and surrounded by stars as it kneel in front of the executioner; crowned with a basket of palm and flowers; surrounded by stars; crowns; wearing a colored basket; in an orchard with the child of Christ in an apple tree; Leading Christ-child from the hand; Maiden carries a basket of fruits and flowers, especially roses; roses; Veiled with flowers in your lap; veiled; Holding apples from the sky to a branch; With a basket of fruit and Christ-child, riding a hobby horse; with an angel and a wreath of flowers; With an angel wearing a basket of flowers.

Accents and things to do:

  • Read more about Dorothy and Theophilus:
  • Decorate your table with red roses and a bowl of apples and tell the story of Theophilus and Saint Dorothy to your family at dinner.

  • According to Catholic encyclopedia On February 6, it is a tradition to have a blessing of trees on February 6 in honor of St. Dorothy and the blossomed fruit tree.

  • Check out the Catholic Cottic’s offer to treat Apple for today’s holiday.

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