
The man in Trenton, condemned in 2022, is up to 30 years – Shore News Network

The man in Trenton, condemned in 2022, is up to 30 years – Shore News Network

Trenton, New Jersey – Mercer County’s hearing found a Trenton man guilty of an aggravated attack and numerous allegations of weapons in connection with shooting in 2022, prosecutors said.

26 -year -old Davion S. Smith was convicted on Tuesday on all charges of the prosecution, including illegal possession of a gun, possession of a firearm illegal purpose, an aggravated attack and some persons not to have firearms.

Authorities said the allegations were derived from August 13, 2022, firing at 100 block of Okland Avenue. Around 1:30 in the morning, Trenton police responded to firing messages and saw a vehicle driven by Smith, running away from the high -speed scene. Subsequent demand for the vehicle revealed a depressed.

The lawsuit, which lasted two weeks, was persecuted by an assistant, prosecutors of Mercer Michael J. Mennuti and Jeffrey S. McLwie, Jr. before the Judge of the Merry Darlin County Supreme Court. Pereksta. The case was investigated by the Mercer County Response Team and Detective Sarai cheek of the Trenton Police Department. Smith was represented by Defense Defender Andrew Seawald.

Smith is scheduled for a sentence on April 4 and is a prison in prison after the jury considers it to be eligible for a long sentence under New Jersey’s “sustainable law of the criminal.

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