
Are all the roads to God valid? | Faith Forum – Reno Gazette Journal

Are all the roads to God valid? | Faith Forum – Reno Gazette Journal

Are all the roads to God valid?

One point of view is: No.

All paths cannot be valid, as my path is the real and exceptional way to God, salvation and ultimate reality. There are simply no other options. There can be not many truths. Any other religion is not properly equipped to take you to the “real” God. The claim that “all paths leading to God are valid” seems to be inclusive, but it cannot be true. The various statements of truth cannot be true. Come, join USAIf you are worried about “true” salvation.

Another point of view is: Yes. All religious and spiritual paths lead to the same mountain and divine destination. Many ethical principles, insights and values ​​are usually shared by different religions.

Third point of view: When there is no God or gods, this question of a “valid path to God” in itself is an “invalid” question.

Lord Krishna points out in ancient Bhagavad-Gita: “I am the source from which all beings develop. I am the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. I am and I support the whole cosmos only with a fragment of my being. All beings find their existence in me, resort into me, will achieve the supreme goal.

We have asked our panel of distinctive leaders of faith in the region the following question: Are all paths valid to God valid?

Here’s what they have to say:

Definitely no

Kenneth G. Lucy, Philosophy/Professor of Religion Emeritus, University of Nevada

The word “valid” refers mainly to the property of argumentation. Of course, the “way” usually refers to ways to get from one point to another. The most common path to God is generations, ie. The belief of the relatives is passed on by parents of children.

As a philosopher and a religion student, I regularly teach my students to various arguments, offering reasoning for both the existence and the non -existence of God. It is clear that all such arguments cannot be healthy (which means both valid and all true rooms). However, most of the “roads” to God are really not arguments and therefore have nothing to do with validity, which is a property of argumentation. All “paths” to faith in God are not equal and the most powerful have to do with the personal influence of the public figures, along with the deep power of family members.

The end way to God is through Islam

Sheriff A. Elfas, Member, Northern Muslim Community in Nevada

Muslims believe that Allah, the creator of the universe, sent envoys to lead his creation. All the prophets conveyed the message of Islam, which means the transmission of one’s will to a true God.

The Qur’an confirms that the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) was a Muslim who obeyed Allah (3:67). In this way, Islam is not a new religion introduced by the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), but the final and perfect form of the same message, passed down by more prophets.

While Islam admits that other religions may contain elements of truth and have once been valid for their time and nations, it teaches that the ultimate path to God is through the teaching of Islam. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an: “… This day I perfected your religion for you, finished my service to you and chose Islam for you as your religion …” (5: 3). Islam is the last mile in the last time to God.

Finding your way home

Tony King, Minister, Center for Unity of Renault

Not only all paths to God are valid, but all people are on their way to God, whether they are deliberate or not, and all are valid. I apologize, if this is offensive – especially to my atheist friends – but hear me …

First, I feel God inside (unbelievers can recognize the good they feel in themselves and others) and my connection with this holiness is a source of silence and awareness of the inspiring presence. But my mode of action in the outside world knows God as an unchanging principle, law, universe, love.

The understanding of God, as everywhere, present in all beings and situations, also means that as much as it messs or chaotic or “sinful” something, it is in the divine order of awakening of the players, no matter how much life takes. The perpetrators and the victims, and all between them, make the human dance to find their way to God.


Daniel H. Mugenborg, Bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Renault

Jesus clearly said that He in itself is the path, truth and life, and that no one can come to the Father except through Him. Although there may be elements of truth within other religions, they essentially stop leading people to the father through the son.

Having said this, God desires all people to be saved, and therefore it is possible in a way known only to God, the people who follow other religious paths, to experience the grace of salvation, as long as they are intending ignorant of the gospel; They are interested in knowing who God is and seek Him; And they are trying to live according to the light of their conscience, aided by the grace that God gives them. This location is known as implicit faith and suggests that the individual will be readily ready and eager to accept the Gospel if presented to them.

The road less poet

Matthew T. Fisher, Resident Priest, Buddhist Center Renault

Buddhism is not a theistic religion, so we approach the question differently. Think of syllogism: room 1: If a way leads to God, then it is a valid way to God. Room 2: Not all paths necessarily lead to God. Conclusion: Therefore, not all roads are necessarily valid. Here we clearly accept that a) there is God and b) that the paths leading to this God are possible.

Buddha teaches an eight -time path that covers our actions of speech and mind of the body, this offers a valid path to enlightenment. He said that any religion that is based on four basic qualities was a valid system: if it recognizes the cause and effect = karma, the change of the universe = anicca, the ubiquity of suffering = dhukka and the presence of enlightenment = nirvana – they are valid Roads, whether taught by Buddha, revealed by divine or constructed by human experimentation.

One Lord, one faith, a baptism

Emily F. Legas, Youth Coordinator Renault North, the Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days

In Ephesians 4: 5, the apostle Paul learned that there was “one Lord, one faith, a baptism.” Christ is the only Lord, the evangelical plan taught by Him, is the only faith, and his baptism by immersion is the only baptism.

While all the paths that point to God raise people above the natural man and bring them closer to God, it is vital to note that there is only one way to return to our Father in Heaven. In John 14: 6 Christ made this positive statement: “I am the way, the truth and the life: No man comes to the Father, but from me.” If we believe in Christ and His mission, we cannot surround him and get eternal life S The Savior gave his life to a buying sacrifice for the sins of the world, thus opening the doors to a person who, through faithfulness, can acquire eternal life and elevation.


Dawn M. Blondel, Leading Pastor, United Methodist Church Epworth, Fallon

Now I do not want to say here that all the expressions of faith are healthy; We know that some can be terribly destructive, for themselves and the community. I do not want to suggest that all understandings of God are the same. But if we believe that God (capital g) is one and if we believe that the purpose of human life is to approach God until we come together in eternal peace and joy then each A road that makes us have a good one.

In my own faith, we believe that Jesus is the way, and the truth, and life (John 14: 6), and that Jesus leads us to God. But I have also met people of different religious traditions (and none of them) who carried the light of God with them, unmistakably, like a beacon. This is a wonderful, great mystery that God is not limited to our boxes.

Find your own path

Elizabeth Web Beyer, Jewish rabbi

This question can only be answered from a personal point of view. My path is valid for me. Accepting a negative assessment of another religious choice is unjustified. As much as we know or be interested in someone, criticize, condemn or neglect their sincere religious choice is unreasonable. The best way to show unconditional love for another is to allow them to make their choice.

From a Jewish point of view, there is no requirement for someone to become a Jew. In fact, when someone considers conversion, it is initially usually rejected. Why? It is not necessary. Just as our sages would say, “all righteous ones deserve the coming world.” Now, working as a spiritual hypnotherapist, my comment would be, there is no religion in the world. Choose a path that brings you joy, comfort and healing. Allow others to do the same.

The journey to God is found only in Christ

Stephen R. Carster, chairing priest, St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church

Everyone has the potential to know God. We are made in this way, designed to look for our path to it, and the whole universe comes to direct us on this journey. Moreover, we’re not alone with it. God did not leave this journey solely in our hands. He did not abandon us as orphans; More recently, he leads us through prophets, angels and his faithful servants.

The Psalmist once expressed: “God is the Lord and has revealed us,” the revelation of the reliable path in which we know Him (Psalms 118-26-27). Generations of men and women have taken this path, confirming that the path to God is clear and well defined. In this way, we are not talking about “all paths to God” because there is a final path illuminated by God Himself. While people of each generation embody different experiences and perspectives, the journey to God remains solely in Christ.

Are many

Nancy Lee Cecil, a Bahai teacher

As a child growing a Christian, I was taught this Christianity and the doctrine of Christ to secure the only true path to God. I later came across Muslims who prayed five times a day; Jews whose trust in God support them through the experiences of indescribable death of death and deep spiritual trips of those of other religions. I began to question religious exclusiveness – which led me to Bahai’s faith.

Bahai believe in “three units:” of humanity, God and all religions. Bahai’s writings tell us that “… all the great religions of the world are divine in origin … their teachings are, but aspects of a truth … They differ only in the insignificant aspects of their doctrines … And their missions represent consistent stages in the spiritual evolution of Human society. “

We believe that God intervenes periodically throughout history, sending His “manifestations”. The guide that these divine envoys offer reflect the social costs of this specific time and culture.

Jesus is the only time

Brian Smith, a leading pastor, a Christian church on top, sparks

With great sensitivity, not all paths lead to God. In many ways, it would be easier to admit that while someone believes in something that faith is enough. But this is far from true.

When we read the Bible, the Word of God, written by human hands under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, see a perfect triral God who existed from the past of eternity. God, in His self -sufficiency, creates the man with whom he can share his love and connection. We unraveled and pursued our own gods. Jesus, the Son of God, inhabited the earth to reveal God, as well as the redemptive plan of God. Jesus’ exceptional statement in John 14: 6, “I am the way and the truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me ”eliminates all other paths to God. Yet this invitation is open to all who accept Jesus as their Lord.

The topic of next week: What determines our eternal fate?

The Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue for religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to [email protected] or X at @rajanzed.

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