
With smooth roads on Wednesday morning, the town of Topeka moves into accounting in walks – Wibw

With smooth roads on Wednesday morning, the town of Topeka moves into accounting in walks – Wibw

Topeka, Kan. (WIBW) – With smooth roads as a result of freezing at night, Topeka’s city moved on Wednesday morning to reporting accidents.

During the battle phase, the Police Department in Topeka will respond and investigate catastrophes that lead to injury, possible injury or death of each person; possible violation of the driver due to drugs or alcohol; incidents with shocks and running; clashes where there is embarrassment between the participating countries; crashes leading to any dangerous material situation; crashes that leads to major traffic jams; or incidents when there is a damage to the vehicle to the extent to which withdrawal is required

In other clashes that do not fall into the above categories, drivers are encouraged to exchange insurance, registration and contact information and call the Police Department of Topeka at 785-368-9551 or to come to the Center for Right Application of 320 S. Kansas Ave. Report incidents.

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