
Of an early TROOPER, 2 arrested against Virginia Beach police – Newsbreak

Of an early TROOPER, 2 arrested against Virginia Beach police – Newsbreak

Images from the police on February 1 VA Beach Chase on I-264Photo ofVsp

Two men were held without connection after the pursuit of Virginia Beach police, which left an early soldier, Virginia’s state police said.

The incident began on February 1, when the VSP said the state police were monitoring the Chevrolet Caprice speed for 2014, crossing 82 in an area of ​​55 miles / h to the I-264 of Independence Boulevard.

The troops tried to stop the vehicle, but according to the VSP, the driver, later identified as 26-year-old Josel Lavar Lewis, refused to stop and followed.

In an attempt to stop Lewis, Troopers has unfolded devices for deflation of the tires on the interstate, VSP reported. Although deployment is considered “successful”, according to VSP, Lewis continued.

Near the area of ​​the City Hall, a group of military personnel tried to limit the vehicle designed to slow down the suspected vehicle until it stops, VSP explained. Lewis continued to try to escape by punching vehicles, VSP said. But in the end, the soldiers managed to stop the car.

At that moment, Lewis was reported and ran. VSP said he was caught shortly after.

Both Lewis and one of the soldiers participated in injuries that were treated at a Norfolk General Hospital. VSP said none of the injuries was life -threatening.

Left: Driver Jose Luis / Right: Passenger Douglas Presley, Jr.Photo ofPublic records

Later, Lewis was transported to Virginia’s prison Beach City, where he was accused of reckless driving at speed, crime, avoiding, hitting and running and attacking a law enforcement officer. Lewis, a Hampton resident, did not get a connection, VSP said.

In addition, there were three passengers in the whim. One of them, 45-year-old Douglas Presley Jr., also Hampton, was arrested for possession of a firearm by a convicted criminal and is also uninterrupted in the Virginia Beach prison, VSP reported.

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