
St. Paul’s Fire District Expanded County County County Training – Live 5 News WCSC News

St. Paul’s Fire District Expanded County County County Training – Live 5 News WCSC News

Hollywood, SC (WCSC) – A new fire training facility is in the work for the St. Paul Fire District.

Fire officers want to expand their first reacting training with a multi -storey facility to at least 5 acres of land. Leaders hope in a central place between Hollywood and Ravnel.

Their goal is to respond to the demands of the growing community, as the area covers 465 square miles between Hollywood, Ranet, Adams Ruth and Edisto Island.

The fire department employees are working to make the facility a reality by demanding over $ 580,000 in Fire Fire from Charleston County to receive a desired place in the area.

The plan for the new center will give crews more space for emergency preparation. This is compared to the current training area that is over a decade and sits behind the Hollywood Regional Staff. The current classroom has only 20 crew members at once.

Study Room training in the classroom in the current facility behind the department ...
Study Room training in the classroom in the current facility behind the department headquarters(Live 5 news live)

The head of the fireproof Johnson with St. Paul’s fire area says that the building will have a multi -stage combustion area, which reaches about 1200 ° F. Crews will also have access to requisite for industrial rescuers to repeat situations in the area such as shipbuilders.

In addition to physical fitness, a large superstructure will be the size of the classroom.

“So the size of the class we put here is usually about 20, 20 class members on time in class,” says Johnson. “So the training facility, I hope, will be able to host two to three classes at a time. We could potentially host a fire and medical class or fire and a class for automatic extraction. “

Officials say that the additional space is necessary not only for the training of the crew, but also the annual mandatory tests for equipment such as hoses and stairs. The necessary training and testing were conducted in areas that meet the need for a large space, such as parking lots.

Johnson says upgrade is not only beneficial for local growth, but also surrounding communities.

“Many of these people community by going to Charleston to work,” says Johnson. “And we must be prepared for medical emergencies, car accidents, vehicles fires, so that the school will be a catch that can train our people so that we can react appropriately to these types of medical calls or These types of cases that we have.

The latest center would not be limited to the regional crews. Neighboring individual crews from areas such as Palms and Hanahan are participating in the Hollywood School of Recruitment twice a year. Johnson says the new facility will continue to settle on the surrounding departments.

Fire officers plan to request additional funds from the County Financing Committee on Thursday night. The aim is to break up at the center by the end of the year after the funds have been approved.

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