
SC Superintendent asks for the $ 100 million infrastructure bank to fix aging rural schools –

SC Superintendent asks for the $ 100 million infrastructure bank to fix aging rural schools –

Legislators are considering a $ 100 million educational infrastructure bank to fund improvements in rural schools.

Columbia, SC – the infrastructure in some of the rural schools in the state is old, says the state chief of education. She wants to see a permanent way to fund it.

Ellen Weaver’s chief asked for $ 100 million in his request for a budget to set up a Bank for Educational Infrastructure to help modernize school buildings and materials in rural areas.

“Many of these areas are in buildings that are 50, 60, 70 years old – some even approach 100 years,” Weaver said.

Currently, school districts are relying on local funding or state -owned subsidies for construction and renovation, but Weaver says these grants are not enough to meet the needs of many rural schools. They have identified 36 school areas in need of infrastructure improvements.

According to a report of 2023, South Carolina ranks among the top 10 states in the country for the needs of rural schools. While legislators have previously allocated funds for school improvements to 24 districts, she says these projects are a “downturn” compared to the needs and a specialized source of funding will provide long -term support.

“The name of the game is durability,” Weaver said. “We must have a predictable source of funding over time.”

The proposal will also allow Charter’s schools to be eligible for funding. If approved, legislators will need to determine the specifics of the program, including how schools can apply for funds.

“I believe that this is a worthy use of the funds that the General Assembly should be appropriate, because this is how we provide a long -term track for educational achievement in our country,” Weaver said.

In order to fund the program, legislators will have to include it in this year’s state budget. If approved, the budget will come into force in July.

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