
The Professor of the College in Marieta commented on the latest earthquakes in Renault – WTAP

The Professor of the College in Marieta commented on the latest earthquakes in Renault – WTAP

Marietta, oh (wtap) –

Tej Gautam, Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Geology at Marietta College, discussed how earthquakes hit near Renault, Ohio, are not an unusual event.

“We are not in a seismically active zone,” Gautam said. “It is not uncommon for them to happen. Earthquakes in areas that are not seismically active are common and are very, very small earthquakes.

According to the geological study of the United States (USGS), earthquakes are measured by their magnitude and conclude that any magnitude that reaches over 4 or 5 can be sufficient to “potentially” cause damage.

USGS reported the first earthquake, which happened near Renault, only hit 2.2.

The second earthquake on February 3 in Renault was a little higher by 2.8 in magnitude.

“There are so many reasons for earthquakes,” Gautam added. “It is very difficult without doing any study. They can happen anywhere, even in areas that may not be seismically active. “

Gaumam added that the recent cold weather, which struck Ohio’s valley, has no correlation.

“Cold weather has nothing to do with earthquakes. These earthquakes happen because of the movement in the depth of the earth. There is no known meteorological component that happened at the depth. “

Gaumam assures that no further earthquakes are expected in the area.

“We do not expect more high magnitude earthquakes or earthquakes that can harm the area.”

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