
Studies managed by the supply chain financing data: Questions and answers with Aurélien Viry and Gilbert Cordier on Societe Generale – Global Finance – Global Finance

Studies managed by the supply chain financing data: Questions and answers with Aurélien Viry and Gilbert Cordier on Societe Generale – Global Finance – Global Finance

Beginning Rewards Wins Studies managed by the supply chain financing data: Questions and answers with Aurélien Viry and Gilbert Cordier

Aurélien Viry, CEO and Gilbert Cordier, head of Societe Generale’s Factoring Delivery Chain funding, discuss how Fintech partnerships and sustainable supply funding helps to achieve the goals of their customers.

Global Finance: Recently, General Societe has established a joint connection with CRX Markets, German Fintech. How does this improve your solutions for financing the supply chain (SCF) for customers?

Aurélien Viry: Following the Covid pandemic, some large corporations have been facing problems with their supply chain, suppliers and banking partners to finance the increased requirements. To help strengthen their supply chain financing programs, some large corporations have begun to look for banking agnostic solutions using multiple or consistent financing partners.

This is exactly what we offer through our partnership with CRX markets. Societe Generale wants to better serve its customers by expanding its products and providing the most appropriate working capital solutions for large corporations. This can be either through our internal or third -party platforms, but in both cases large corporations can rely on Societe Generale as a reliable partner for financing suppliers.

Gilbert Cordier, Head of Funding of the Supply Chain

Gf: What types of data do you analyze and how does this analysis help customers optimize their working capital?

Gilbert Cordier: SCF does not only mean watching floating days unpaid. Societe Generale uses its experience to provide its best service to its customers on working capital consultations. We focus on the entire life cycle of the product, including sales, inventory and salaries. We do partner analysis on the basis of the available public information in the annual reports and our own programs for receivables and obligations that cover peers of a particular client. This indicator is highly appreciated by our customers and allows us to identify the best solution to optimize working capital for them.

Gf: How do your peers compare you to enter into the working capital analysis instrument and what competitive advantage does your customers provide?

Cordier: A little information is publicly available and SCF programs can be very light in detail. Sharing what peers do – but keeping their names confidential – and extensions for the payment period that have managed to negotiate with such suppliers is an important contribution to our customers. Last but not least, as on board thousands of suppliers in recent years, our specialized team has built a close relationship with them, which facilitates the persuasion of an existing supplier to join the SCF program created for another buyer.

Aurélien Viry, CEO

Gf: Can you set an example of how the resistance factoring works in practice and its benefits?

Viri: The SCF -related SCF is a powerful solution for our customers to deal with their Emissions on the range of 3. Range 3 are the most significant emissions for most industrial segments and probably the most difficult for our customers to achieve some reductions. We apply bonus/malus associated with stability [reward/penalty] A mechanism to the percentage of funding we offer to suppliers, creating an incentive for them to reduce emissions. Based on customer’s basic ESG [environmental, social, governance] Aims, such as a reduction in CO2, our SCF resistance program sets annual suppliers targets to obtain a program pricing bonus.

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