
Who was the best athlete in the high school in Baton Rouge for a week from January 27 to February 1? Vote now – the lawyer

Who was the best athlete in the high school in Baton Rouge for a week from January 27 to February 1? Vote now – the lawyer

Baton Rouge’s winter school sports continue to heat up with some exceptional performances. Who was the best athlete in Baton Rouge High School for the week for January 27-1 February? You have to decide.

Here’s your chance to make your votes and choose athlete of the week. The poll will end at noon on Thursday and the winner will be recognized on the Advocate High School Facebook page.

If you would like to send candidates for any of our future polls, please contact Robin Fmbroog at [email protected] until Sunday night every week.

Vote now! Tell us who is the best athlete at Baton Rouge High School for January 27-February, 1

Keidrick (KJ) Bailey, Zahari: Put an indoor school record with boys fired at 52 feet, 7 inches last week.

Ansley Bernhard, ParkView Baptist: He scored 18 points in the victory of Eagles 49-45 Basketball girls over the university.

The House of Savannah, Albani: He was a 138-pound girls’ champion in the larger wrestling tournament.

Jekyris Jenkins, Plaquemine: He scored with 20 points in the victory of Plaquemine 54-53 over Bruce.

Brand Lowles, St. Amant: He scored two goals in the victory of St. Amant’s football playoff 3-1 over East Iison.

Sahir Martinez, Tara: He scored three goals Inn Trojans 6-0 Soccer Playoff Win over Ellender.

Ava Payne, Live Oak: He was chosen for girls an exceptional fighter at the Great Br Wrestling Tourney after winning the 152 -pound title.

Christian Scott, Catholic: Win a third bigger BR Brestling title, this time with £ 157, voted an exceptional fighter in the upper weight classes

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