
50 years of chesapeake – an eye of Anapolis

50 years of chesapeake – an eye of Anapolis

The Anaapolis Watercolor Club (AWC) celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2025 with a series of exhibits and events, including an initial exhibit of watercolor paintings at the Annapolis Marine Museum of Tuesday, February 18, March 16, 2025, “50 Years” 50 Years The Chesapeake “will show a variety of watercolor paintings related to the bay, its tributaries, surroundings and activities. The exhibit will be open from 10:00 to 15:00, Tuesday until Sunday at the Museum, 723 Second St., Annapolis MD 21403. Admission will be held on Friday, February 21, 5:00 pm, at the Museum S

Chesapiq Bay has long been a magnet for artists and this includes the watercolor community. “While our members are drawing a wide variety of topics, the Chesapik Bay area has a special resonance for watercolor artists. The unique transparency of watercolors and layering of transparent watercolors can uniquely capture the interaction between light and color of the sky and the water of our beautiful bay, “said AWC President Juanita Green.

AWC was founded in 1975 by a small group of artists under the leadership of the late Joan Scott, who also co -founded Maryland Hall for Creative Arts. This is a non -profit educational organization, which now has over 200 members. Her mission is to encourage the art of watercolor painting through the education of artists of all ages. In addition to sponsoring seminars to increase watercolor drawing skills, the club maintains exhibits, art history, art evaluation and watercolor -related travel, and seeks to share these opportunities with others. It also provides gifts to local charity organizations. The group supports and encourages the bigger art community and is open to anyone interested in watercolor painting.

The cost of AWC membership is $ 35 a year, and this gives members accessing their art in local places, attending seminars, personal and increased meetings, traveling to other exhibits and receiving a monthly newsletter. Visit the AWC website at for more information.

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