
The Battle of the Sioux Empire Pizza began – Dakota News now

The Battle of the Sioux Empire Pizza began – Dakota News now

Sioux Falls, SD (Dakota News now) – the first of its kind pizza battle by Simper Sioux began on Monday.

The local Sioux Falls pizza -managed and operated places are competing to see who has the best special pizza.

Eleven restaurants participate, including Invictus Pizza Kitchen, and both places of Tomacelli, Pizza of Dareo, The Thirsty Duck, Pizza’s Pizza, Pizza House of Charlie, Boston’s Pizza pizza, Big Poppa pizza and Valentino.

Dakota News is now talking to the owner and operator of Invictus Pizza Kitchen, Devon Gisen to get more details about the event.

“All these pizza places are local and managed. The owners work every day at these restaurants. It is a very difficult moment in our world right now, so you not only help local restaurants, but also help local charities, “Gissen said.

Some of the revenue from each pizza will go to choose local charity organizations.

See the whole list of special pizzas here.

Every place will have a barcode that can be scanned to vote for your favorite pizza.

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