
The veterinarian is said to have been attacked by Virginia Beach police, but no charges have been filed – Wvec

The veterinarian is said to have been attacked by Virginia Beach police, but no charges have been filed – Wvec

An army veteran claims that Virginia Beach police have committed an unjustified attack, seized his property and has never charged him.

Norfolk, Washington – a veterinarian has filed a federal case against the Virginia Beach and Detective police chief, claiming that they had illegally seized his property without a proper process.

Dr. Andrew Silverstone, a veteran of the army and business owner, claims that Virginia Beach police have made an unjustified attack in his veterinary clinic, home and dental laboratory of his wife at the end of 2021.

Silverstone says Detective Eileen Davis, under the leadership of police chief Paul Needgate, has complied with an order to search without a knot with SWAT teams armed with rifles. According to the complaint, the employees failed to provide legal documentation before seizing its assets.

Silverstone claims that without explanation, Virginia Beach police have conquered his personal and business bank accounts, pension accounts, small business loans and confiscated his car and passports.

The court case states that Silverstone has never received a hearing or a legal process has been initiated to justify the seizure of his property. Despite repeated attempts to challenge the seizure, he was denied any hearing or legal resorting.

Silverstone’s assets remained frozen for more than 15 months, the lawsuit said. Criminal charges were never filed and in February 2023 his assets were returned “without explanation or legal process.” Silverstone says his passport has not been returned.

The lawsuit brought to the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia accuses the defendants of breaching Silverstone’s constitutional rights under the fourteenth amendment. He also claims a civil rights conspiracy and illegal transformation in accordance with the legislation of the state of Virginia.

Silverstone is looking for compensatory and criminal damage, along with lawyer’s fees. The court documents do not list the exact amount in the dollar, but it is more than $ 250,000. He wants a court trial from the jurors.

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