
Justice Brian Preston awarded the Australia Order Officer – Durham University

Justice Brian Preston was awarded as an officer from the Order of Australia – the second prize at the highest level in the general ward of the Order of Australia.

Justice Brian Preston, Chief Judge of the Court of Earth and Environment, New South Wales, Australia and a visiting professor of Faculty of Law at Durham and Center for Law and Durham Policy for Sustainable Development was awarded as an officer from the Order of Australia – the second prize for the highest level in the general ward of the Order of Australia.

We would like to convey our heartfelt congratulations to justice Brian Preston on receiving this award. This respected recognition is a certificate of his outstanding contribution to the field of environmental and climate rights.

In the last few years he has also been a great source of wisdom and tips for many of our colleagues and our students here from University of DurhamS

The service ceremony will be held in the next few months, and the medal will be awarded to Preston justice by the Governor-General at the Government House, Kanberra, Australia.

Please see the following link for more information in this year’s list of Australia Day’s 2025 Awards.

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