
Walking Dead After Mill Street and Rock Boulevard crash in Renault – KTVN

Walking Dead After Mill Street and Rock Boulevard crash in Renault – KTVN

One man died after being hit by a car on Mill Street near Reno Boulevard, according to employees.

Around 7:00 pm Saturday night crews with the Renault Police Department, the Renault and Ramsa Fire Department responded to a report on a pedestrian.

The pedestrians received life -threatening injuries and were brought to a local hospital. The pedestrian succumbed to his injuries shortly after his arrival.

The driver involved in the crash remained in place and cooperates with the investigation.

The identity of pedestrians lingers until the correct family notifications can be made.

Officials say speed and damage seem to be not factors in the crash.

If you have any information about this catastrophe, please call the Non-Police Non-Stock Line in Renault on (775) 334-2677 or a secret witness of (775) 322-4900.

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