
Rock the Dock on June 5 with Annapolis Rotract – Annapolis Eye

Rock the Dock on June 5 with Annapolis Rotract – Annapolis Eye

Annapolis Rotract Foundation, Inc. is excited to announce his 14th annual rock at the harbor! The event will be held at the Annapolis Marine Museum on Thursday, June 5, 2025, at 6:00 pm.

Last year, Rotract raised over $ 20,000 to benefit from Academy Pretty Girl. This year, the club is hoping to exceed our efforts to raise funds from last year, as the event has taken advantage of the Ann Arundel County Literacy Council, a non -profit organization dedicated to English aid. The organization provides convenient, individualized training without any costs of the residents of the Ann Arundel county, allowing them to improve their quality of life and become integral members of their communities.

Rock The Dock Tickets cover the event with inclusion, including access to beer, wine, crushing bar, barbecue for anyone you can eat and live free -relationship music! There will also be a raffle of wagons, a silent auction and events. Rock The Dock is a great way to start the summer to the shore of Chesapiq Bay. Please note that the event is for those present at the age of 21+.

Tickets will be sold on March 14, 2025 and can be purchased at Eventbrite. This event is sold every year, so be up -to -date with the Facebook Facebook event messages and Instagram.

If you are interested in sponsoring rock rock or offering a silent auction donation, please contact Sue Weber on [email protected]S

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