
The Theo chocolate of the Seattle Flagmark Store – FOX 13 Seattle

The Theo chocolate of the Seattle Flagmark Store – FOX 13 Seattle

Theo chocolate has been working from its leading place in the Fremont neighborhood in Seattle for 19 years. Now they say they will be out in just a few weeks.

The 3400 Phinney Avenue North Fremont store will close shortly after Valentine’s Day, February 16th.

Theo chocolate (Johnny M. on Yelp)

What’s next:

In a publication on their social media channels, Theo chocolate has released details of the incoming rearrangement.

In addition to Fremont’s location, organizers say the location of Bellevue Square Square will be closed on February 16.

However, the online store,, will remain in operation, along with their partnerships and availability of local retailers.

What they say:

“We are deeply grateful to the Fremont community and all of Seattle for nearly two decades of support. We invite everyone to join us in the next few weeks for our last practical classes, demonstrations and handmade treats-or just to come in and say” Hello ! “, Read a publication from the company.

Theo chocolate (Marie B. on Yelp)

The source: Information about this article comes from Theo Chocolate.

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Foods and drinks to Dofremontbellevue

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