
The abandoned Cambridge newspaper box serves as a look in the past – WBOC TV 16

The abandoned Cambridge newspaper box serves as a look in the past – WBOC TV 16

Cambridge, MD. – Here at WBOC we present timely news of the day. But on a sidewalk in Cambridge you will find some really old news.

The Baltimore Sun newspaper box, located on High Street outside the post office, received its last newspaper delivery on September 4, 2014.

Something they live and work nearby did not even realize.

“It surprises me because I walk around it almost every day and I have never paid attention which newspapers they are in it,” Robin Burton said.

“There are a few newspaper boxes and I know that people were sad when they saw the Dorchester star stopping documents in their own, and Dorchester’s banner stopping to release documents into her own,” she continued.

We may never know if this paper box still contains fresh documents for 2014 inside. When we tried to pay for paper on Friday, the door remained locked.

For the Cambridge City Glenn Steckman manager, Paper Box’s presence is personal.

“My family has been linked to the newspaper business for almost 100 years. My grandfather works for Baltimore Sun,” he said.

Steakman says the box is under the competence of the property owner. “The newspaper box is obviously abandoned when Baltimore Sun stopped delivery, street delivery, street sales, as they applied,” he said.

William Fleming works in the neighborhood and has never stopped for more closely.

“I had absolutely no idea. It’s just something that has always been there. I lived in the city all my life, managing the restaurant right in the neighborhood. It’s just that little freezing capsule there. It’s completely betraying you,” he said.

We reached for the sun in Baltimore, but never heard back. Steakman says he hopes the box will be removed, saying it is a potential responsibility. But many people we talked to say they hope that it remains as a relic of the past is still available for everyone to see.

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