
The Special Olympics host an annual bowling event – Ironon Tribune

The Special Olympics host an annual bowling event – Ironon Tribune

The Special Olympics host an annual bowling event

Posted at 12:00 Saturday, February 1, 2025

Wednesday celebrated the third day of an exciting event for athletes at special Olympics.

The annual leisure bowling event was held, organized by the Lawrence Special Olympiad.

Michel Aldridge, coordinator of the Special Olympics for Lawrence County, said more than 400 athletes ranging from pre -school to adults participated in the event.

She said that this gives them a chance to participate in an uncompetitive bowling, to be treated at lunch and to meet friends.

The event on Wednesday included students from elementary school, while high school, high school and adults participated in the first two days of the event.

Aldridge said leisure sponsor the event every time.

“They open their doors every year and do not charge,” she said.

The special Olympics have two more events planned by the end of the school year. A basketball event will be held at the Dawson-Brint High School in March, while the events of the track and the field were created for the High School in Chesapike from May 7-8.

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