
Early voting that takes place for Baton Rouge’s headquarters in Louisiana’s legislation: Here’s what you know –

Early voting that takes place for Baton Rouge’s headquarters in Louisiana’s legislation: Here’s what you know –

Early voting opened Saturday for special elections to fill a vacancy, representing a Baton Rouge in the Louisiana Senate, and three hopes are campaigning to complete Cleo Fields’ term, a Democrat who won elections in Congress in November.

Quentin Anthony Anderson, Carolyn Hill and Larry Seltrans, who are all black, run for Democrats for the Senate of the Senate of County 14. Each of them has participated in local politics before.

The area where they compete to represent, covers some of the largest neighborhoods of the parish in East Baton Rouge to the north and more rich neighborhoods to the south, including part of the newly opened St. George. It also covers the center and parts of the LSU campus.

Everyone said they were striving to serve as a voice for the diverse constituency found within these limits, albeit every framed that works differently.

What do I know about the vote

The early vote for the special primary elections lasts from February 1 to February 8, with the exception of Sunday.

There are four places to vote in the East Baton Rouge parish parish: the mayor’s office, the fire station on the boulevard boulevard, the Louisian State Archives buildings of the fall Lane and the Baker’s motor vehicle building. They are open from 8:30 to 18:00

Election Day is Saturday, February 15th. The polls will be open from 7:00 to 20:00, and voters can find their place to vote on or in the Geauxvote mobile app.

If no candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, a run -off will be held on March 29.

Quentin Anthony Anderson

Public officials must be selfless, said the 36 -year -old Anderson, a longtime defender of social justice, who owns a graphic and web design business.

“The job is to represent the interests of the community. This is not to present your own personal ambition. It’s not to go there on a crusade, “he said.

Anderson, who has a degree of political science from the University of Louisiana Tech and Laws of Law from LSU, said his refusal to accept the contribution of the campaign from monified interests would allow him to fulfill this task correctly.

He announced that he had no money in his campaign’s campaign from the first week of January, according to state campaigns.

For Anderson, raising the minimum wage is among the most important of several key questions.

“Especially if you want people to go back to work, you want people in buildings, let’s pay them what they cost with competitive salaries,” Anderson said.

Given the political landscape in the Capitol of the State, Anderson said his work as a senator of a democratic state would be a matter of “attempting to mitigate the impact of raw republican policies”, as well as serve as a “principled opposition” of these policies on GOP.

Last year, Anderson was running for the Congress in the 6th Congress County – the race won by the flight – covering 8% of the vote. He also runs for the metro location in the Metro Baton Ruzh Metro in 2020, but did not progress along the primary one.

Carolyn Hill

Hill, a consultant on social workers and political campaigns, said the presentation of the diverse Senate district 14 was that he was a “bridge builder” and works on social and cultural separation lines.

While the northern part of the district is struck by “deplorable conditions” such as crime, bumping, inadequate housing and lack of business investment, said Hill, the southern part includes the worse St. George.

“We all live in the parish of East Baton Rouge together, no matter what your postal code is, your race, your party affiliation, your socio -economic status,” said Hill, who graduated from South University with a degree of social work.

The 42 -year -old Hill said working through party lines could be a necessity to achieve goals in Capitol. At the same time, she emphasized her dedication to the provision of resources so that the ingredients throughout the area can thrive.

Increasing financing and investment in early childhood is a major problem for Hill, who is a social worker for the parish system of East Baton Ruzh and serves in the State Council for Elementary and Secondary Education from 2012 to 2016.

“Studies show that education eliminates poverty,” she said.

Enrollment of more students in the main start or other programs before the resort will have a positive effect on students throughout the elementary and high school, she said.

Hill reported that she had about $ 28,000 by hand in early January, but that comes from a $ 32,000 personal loan she made in her own campaign.

Larry Selders

Reporter Larry Seltras is a Baton Rouge in Louisiana’s house since 2019. He was not imposed to seek re -election in this place in 2023 when he won a second term.

Selders, a social worker who runs a drug abuse clinic and a home development company at affordable prices, considers his work as a chosen representative as advocacy.

“I have never sought to be a politician. I have always wanted to be a government official and help people and advocate for people, “Selders said.

The 43 -year -old Selders has a degree of social work from the South University and said that mental health is both a major issue of politics and the one who is a non -party.

He said that mental health screenings should happen at the beginning of life, just like the vision of childhood or the projections of hearing.

“Many times the children go undiagnosed and then become undiagnosed adults,” he said. Costing mental health problems early can mitigate problems before they appear in education or criminal justice systems, he said.

Selders said bilateral cooperation is needed at Statehouse.

“There are problems that all Louisians face – Republicans and Democrats – and these are the things we need to get together,” Selders said. “Just because it is a democratic or republican idea does not make it a bad idea or a good idea.”

According to state campaigns, Selders had about $ 96,000 in early January, including a $ 25,000 personal loan for his own campaign.

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