
Police chief baptizes the job assistant manager of the city – Tribune East Valley

Police chief baptizes the job assistant manager of the city – Tribune East Valley

A whirlwind in the best administration of the city continues.

Before the longtime city manager Jim Thompson resigned at the end of December to take work in Colorado, he eavesdrop on Bill Murphy, one of the three auxiliary managers of the city – as his temporary heir.

But Murphy withdrew suddenly before the meeting of the City Council on January 14, Scottsdale, in turn, as his substitute Greg Caton. The Scotsdale City Council quickly approved Cato as a temporary city manager, increasing its salary to $ 335,000. (Thompson’s final salary was $ 390,000).

On January 21, one week after his work, Caton informed the City Council “I am appointed police chief Jeff Walter as a temporary acting city governor on January 27”.

A few days later, the city announced that the assistant chief Joe Leduk was appointed as a temporary head of the head of January 27.

Caton noted that Walter began as a patrol officer in Scottsdale in 1994.

Then an assistant police chief Walter retired in 2020 – just so that Thompson could ask him to return as the police chief.

Caton praised Walter for “wealth of experience in leadership, cooperation, communication, problem solving, organizational transformation and culture building …”

He said Walter would monitor the communications and human resources departments.

Leduk has been in the police in Scottsdale for more than 33 years. He became an officer in 1991, worked as a detective for property crimes and a murder detective and served in the Federal Special Drug Administration Group. He was promoted in 2021 to an assistant chief.

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