West Baton Rouge District Attorney says the doctor “has a meeting with Louisiana justice.”
West Baton Rouge Parish, La. – For the first time after abortions, it has become a crime in Louisiana, a doctor is faced with charges.
“Dr. Carpenter has a meeting with justice in Louisiana and she has to meet this date, “said West Baton Ruzho District Prosecutor Tony Clayton.
West Baton Rouge’s big jury has charged doctor Margaret Carpenter on Friday after prescribing a woman’s abortion pills in Louisiana.
“It is against the law to have an abortion or to deliver, distribute, scatter, medicine or abortion pills,” said Clayton.
According to West Batton District Attorney Rouge Tony Clayton, the crime was committed last April when Port Allen’s mother ordered the pills online from Nightingale Median for her pregnant minor daughter.
Clayton says the young girl was only at home when she took them, there were complications and then called 911.
“They transferred the young lady to a hospital in Baton Rouge, employees believed they were dealing with a minor with a miscarriage,” Clayton said. The mother forced her to take some pills. ”
Fortunately, the girl was fine. Investigators soon found that the pills were ordered online.
“The important thing is to know about whether there is only a list of questions she had to ask. I will tell you that there was no call to enlarge with your doctor or FaceTime, with the mother or child, “said Clayton.
The girl’s mother, Dr. Carpenter and the Carpenter Clinic, Nightingale Medical, have been charged with criminal abortion with abortion drugs.
These accusations were not in the books in Louisiana to Roe Vs. Wade was canceled in 2022
Now, doctors sentenced to any abortions may face 15 years in prison.
While the girl’s mother turned on Friday, Clayton says D -R Carpenter is protected by the law of the State of New York.
“New York has what is called the abortion shield that protects the doctor from any consequences from their actions,” said Clayton.
Hours after the prosecution, New York governor Katie Hochul said on social media that she was ready to fight for reproductive freedom.
“I am proud to say that I will never turn this doctor into the state of Louisiana in any request for extradition,” said New York Governor Cathy Hochul.
Louisiana Prosecutor General Liz Muriel replied, writing: “The cheerleader for the alleged forced abortion of a young girl is sick and barbaric, Governor Hochul. This is not reproductive health, but strength. “
Carpenter did not respond to our comment request.
Clayton said he would not charge the minor.
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