
Parents Parents for Deep Creek Es –

Parents Parents for Deep Creek Es –

Chesapeake, Washington (wavy)-only once in and outside his campus at the Deep Creek elementary school, parents say that the drop-off has a safety nightmare that makes sure to have a police officer, something they say that they say that They say it doesn’t happen.

The only time to access in or outside the elementary Deep Creek is a small residential street on the George Washington highway-a very busy four-lane road-the look of an exit to Interstate 64. This makes it challenge for most days to turn left at school or left on the highway George Washington outside the school.

Erin Thompson, who has a fourth -grader in Deep Creek Elementary, says that since their cross -crossing guard was hit by a car about five years ago, there was no stable presence to target traffic here.

“I’m sitting here forever and I can’t get in and I can’t go out in less than 45 minutes,” Thompson said.

And with this kind of backup, she said that people are despairing.

“It just turns into a cluster, and the cars, as well as the buses, will start blocking traffic just to help themselves, and it just becomes completely dangerous,” said Thompson.

Cars block traffic – and people too.

Thompson took a picture of someone to get out of his car to help directly move after sitting on the move for 15 minutes. On the day 10 of your country’s cameras were there, an officer was directing traffic, but Thompson said it was necessary every day. Ever since we contacted the police about this story, Thompson said there was an officer at this intersection every day.

“The officer who was here this morning is phenomenal,” said Thompson. “He has a large flow with George Washington’s traffic.”

10 On your part, he addressed the police in Chesapike, who initially said in a statement that “had provided guidelines to the school for more favorable alternatives to the route for those parents leaving the school. Among these alternatives are … Going out of Margaret Boker Drive and around Galberry Road. ”

However, there is no access to the road from the school to Margaret Boker Drive. When we made the police in Chesapike to realize this, they acknowledged the mistake.

Chesapike’s police have changed his statement now, saying that they are advising everyone to turn right, leaving Deep Creek Elementary, and then to do right to the right of Margaret Boker Drive and follow this down to the light that will be empty on Galberry Road. This still puts traffic on the George Washington highway, but police say they will continue to monitor the situation.

The full statement of the Chesapik police states:

“The Chesapike Police Department has a task for a police officer to provide directions at the intersection of the George Washington highway and to drive every morning from 7:15 to 7:35 am. This task is usually processed by a traffic employee. However, if a person is not available, a call will be made to send an available beat officer, if one is available. Nothing has changed with this assignment from 2023 and this place will continue to be processed as such. As part of the constant focus of the department on safety and security throughout the city, they will continue to monitor and evaluate this location. We understand the concerns and dissatisfaction of some parents, wanting to make the left to contact George Washington Highway in the afternoon and encourage them to follow the recommendations provided earlier about the most secure way out of the previous time by making the right turn on the George Highway Washington. “

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