
The new bill offers exemption from educational fees for qualified families – KGNS

The new bill offers exemption from educational fees for qualified families – KGNS

Laredo, Tex. (KGNS) – The Texas 89 legislative session is underway and one proposal is intended to abandon educational fees for qualified military families.

The 1867 House Bill, known as the Expansion of the Hazelwood Act, may offer the exemption from training and fees for family members of certain military officials in public higher education institutions.

The exceptions are applied mainly to the spouse of a member of the US military service, who was killed in the execution of the duty, died during a service, disappeared into action or died due to illness or injury obtained during military service.

However, the brothers and sisters of the military member can only qualify for release if the member does not have a spouse or child. Proponents claim that this bill is essential, and Larendo veterans believe that many, especially military families in Laredo, would take advantage of it.

According to a veteran by Larendo David Garza, “David Li Espinosis was one of the Laredanians killed in action, but one of the things that came out of him was that he had three siblings and when someone served in the military, we, we, we, we I saw the deficit. When someone serves in the military and has children, they can use the Hazlewood law to go to school. If you have been enrolled in Texas and stay in Texas, you can use the Hazlewood Act. “

Another local veteran, Albert Hernandez, mentioned: “This allows this benefit to be expanded to the siblings so that it is not lost. This opportunity is not killed just because there was no addiction to pass them. “

A third veteran, Ricardo Kijano, mentioned how this was not the first time this proposal went into play. “It was 2540 that was filed in February 2022, David Lee Espinosis died in August 2021, so the brain attack took some time. It was late to enter a committee. He went to the Education Committee, but was never heard before chairman of the committee. “

The Texas representative for district 42, Richard Penja Raymond, is the author of this proposed bill, but for these veterans they hope that other representatives of the state are in support. The proposed bill is currently still voted on by the State House and the Senate.

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