On the days before she was shot, a woman from Faetavil wrote a message on Instagram, in which she said she was afraid she would be killed, recorded in the disclosure of the murder on January 13th.
Elijah Jamal Lee, 19, was accused of first-degree murder at Jilin’s death, Daniela Matuta-Ayala, 22 years old, and her first statement appeared in court on Friday.
Camberland District Court judge Francis Brit has appointed Lee as a public defender and warned him of the burden of charges.
“It’s not more serious than that,” Britt said.
Standing next to the public defender Brian Harris, Lee I am silent, as an Assistant Prosecutor General Kaylee Taer told the judge that he had an “existing relationship” between the victim and the accused.
Management of the search order in this case states that the murdered woman and Lee exchanged messages on Instagram, and the cameras for observation and movement in the shops and intersections of the area showed the duo together in their vehicle the day before its murder.
The declaration also notes that detectives have found messages on Instagram written by Matute-Neayala, in which she stated that they “have happened” between her and Lee, and she states at one point: “I have the feeling that I will be Killed “,” The Afidavit said.
The recording continues to indicate that 15 minutes before the shooting, Matuta-Aal raised Lee from Faetwil’s address, and Lee was supposedly driving her car with her as a passenger to Hardy on Murchison Road before heading to her home on Topeka Street “.
Three minutes before the shooting, the record indicates Lee canceled Cashapp’s request for $ 250, which he sent Matut-Aal.
According to the protocol, after a 911 call announced the shooting, the officers found a Matut-Aal dead on the street. Taber said the Matut-Aala was shot six times. Lee’s home was three houses from where she was killed, the statement said.
Her vehicle was missing and was located the same day near Varsity Drive and Lake Avenue, less than a mile from the scene of the shooting, the declaration said.
The prosecutor said that when he was questioned by police, Lee claims he admitted that he may have shot Matut-Aala during a weapon with unknown attackers.
He was kept in Kamberland County Prison without a guarantee.
Public safety reporter Joseph Pierre can be found at [email protected]S