
Tennessee legislators to debate the legalization of medically assisted suicide after a ban on West Virginia – AOL

Tennessee legislators to debate the legalization of medically assisted suicide after a ban on West Virginia – AOL

Nashville, Tenn. (WKRN) – Tennessee legislators will again discuss whether an incurably sick patients have the right to choose medically assisted suicide at this legislative session, after a nearby has become the first to ban it in its constitution, and the voters have said it.

Ten states and Washington, DC, currently allow medically assisted suicide for incurably ill patients, a controversial measure that enables a person with a fatal illness to choose when and where to die in order not to have to suffer through his pain.

In November 2024, voters in Western Virginia narrowly chose to ban medical assisted suicide by amending the state constitution, the first country in the United States, who did so, after deputies approved a measure to resolve the newsletter referendum in the last night of the legislative session Last March.

“An important part of the life movement is to ensure that life is protected from conception to natural death and this is just another tool in the instrument kit to do so,” Del said. Sister of News 2, Wowk, in October 2024.

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Critics, however, claim that medically assisted suicide is already prohibited under the Western Virginia law.

“It is very fond that they are trying to stop it constitutionally, because it would be the first country in the country to ever do this,” said del Kayla Young (D-Kanawha).

Prit claims that the amendment will guarantee that a judge cannot cancel the state ban on medical assistance to suicide.

“There may be a court to decide that he has the right to commit suicide with the help of a doctor and what he does is that he bets him in the State Constitution, that this type of activity will be prohibited in the future,” Pritt said.

The amendment of the Constitution for the ban of medical assisted suicide, adopted in Western Virginia by less than one percent, or 5882 votes.

The change reads in part: “No person, doctor or healthcare provider in the state of West Virginia is involved in the practice of medical assisted suicide, euthanasia or murder of mercy of a person.”

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“You know I’m as much a pro-life as I can get,” said governor Jim justice ( “I think listening to the great people of West Virginia, leaving them to make decisions and everything is always smart money for us.”

Critics continued to return against the change.

“Recovering reproductive freedom, we must vote for it. But Republicans will not allow us to vote because they know what the result will be, just like in any other country. So, instead, they put this pointless amendment to the Constitution for what prohibits something that is already forbidden, “said State Party President del Mike Pushkin (D-Kanawha).

This legislative session of Tennessee MPs may consider adopting a bill to legalize the measure. There are currently no legislative efforts to make a constitutional ban on medically assisted suicide in the volunteer state.

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