The weekend is on us, and the Texas can finally look forward to quiet, warm and dry weather throughout the country. After a blend of winter and heavy storms this January, the tendency to warm will start February, leading to higher temperatures and abundance of sun, which will be ideal for outdoor activities, gatherings and enjoyment of time outside. Here’s what you can expect in your region from Friday to Sunday.
El Paso and West Texas
After windy to windy Thursday, Western Texas will enjoy shorter winds until the beginning of the weekend with light morning temperatures in the upper 40 and low 50. A steep warm -up with high 1960s and low 70s until Sunday is expected from Friday to Sunday. Temperatures will approach record warm thresholds, but they should only remain short in El Paso and Midland-Odessa. The sky will remain clearly clear, with just a few passing clouds, which will make the perfect weekend to go out and enjoy the sun.
Lubbock, Amarillo and Texas Panhandle
The breeze winds will hit Texas Panhandell this weekend, which makes him feel more cold than he really is every day. Wind values are expected to be up to 20 degrees on Friday morning, although by afternoon air temperatures will be on a light side. Due to wind gusts between 20 and 30 miles / h every day, temperatures similar to feeling will range from five to 10 degrees cooler than what is actually the air temperature. On Saturday and Sunday, the maximums will reach the above 60s and low to high 70s, depending on where you live in the Panhanda. Fortunately, mostly sunny sky is expected every day, allowing those who want to bold winds to enjoy outdoor plans.
Austin, San Antonio and Central Texas
With the exception of a few windy days, central Texas is for a fantastic weekend of warm weather. Morning temperatures will begin in the 1940s until the low 50s to Sunday, with the afternoon reaching the low to high 70s by the end of the weekend. Wind gusts should reach a peak of about 20 to 25 miles / h people in Austin and areas north on Friday and Sunday, with San Antonio looking a little more relaxed this weekend. The sky should be almost completely clear every day, which makes it the perfect time for tourism, dining in the courtyard, or any outdoor celebrations.
Dallas-Form Worth and northeast Texas
Metroplex and the surrounding regions of Dallas-Form Worth look at the windy but otherwise enjoyable weekend. This will be a lot of change after record rainfall and lightning flood on Wednesday and Thursday.
Every day, this weekend is expected to be about 20 to 25 miles / h, while temperatures warm about five degrees every afternoon. Temperatures in the mid-60s will start the weekend, with the middle of the high 70s to Sunday in northeastern Texas. A lot of sun will feel great when outdoors, which will make a fantastic weekend for natural activities.
Houston, Corps of Christie and Southeast Texas
After a stormy middle week, the weather across the shore of the Gulf of Texas looks up. However, Houston and places along the coast will have a more gradual tendency of warming than the rest of the state this weekend. After maximums in the mid -70s on Thursday, the maximums predicted in the 60 and low 70s on Friday may feel more cool. Temperatures are only warmed up to about five degrees for the weekend, but the conditions should remain pleasant as light winds and partially cloudy sky are forecast for the region. There should be plenty of time to go out and enjoy Mother Nature this weekend, so take advantage of warming while we have it.
For the first time in a while, the Texans will not worry about frigid temperatures or violent weather. This weekend is all about warmth and sun. Whether you are planning a barbecue in the backyard, a trip to the park, or just relaxing, this is the perfect time to soak the sun and breathe in the fresh air.
We will continue to watch all the potential changes, but for now, enjoy the weekend! Check here again at for your latest updates and weather forecasts.