
FedEx will distribute unemployment forms and send them free to Tallahassee – Noticias de cuba en Miami

FedEx will distribute unemployment forms and send them free to Tallahassee – Noticias de cuba en Miami

Adep FedEx Unemployment. Photo: Pixabay

The FedEx Delivery Company has promised the Governor of Florida to distribute and send for free Tallahassee unemployment forms for processing.

Problems with the state’s website have forced tens of thousands of people who have lost their jobs due to the crisis caused by the pandemic to seek solutions to submit their requests for help.

Yesterday in the hyaliah images of crowds of people who want forms, they traveled around the country.

The app can be downloaded to the Florida website and must be sent to the Florida Po Box 5350 Tallahasee, FL 32314-5350 website.

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