
The head of schools Baton Rouge wants New Orleans, Colorado companies to manage unsuccessful charter schools – the lawyer

The head of schools Baton Rouge wants New Orleans, Colorado companies to manage unsuccessful charter schools – the lawyer

The leader of Baton Rouge public schools has settled on two charter school operators, which wants to take over two large schools whose nearly 2000 students have recently remained in the limbs after the public -based public schools said they were closing them for seven years, Once they have opened up to many fanfare.

The withdrawal of the non -profit charter network from Louisiana leaves broken academic promises in Baton Rouge. In 2018, she arrived here with a reputation of a “proven operator” and billboards throughout the city, which is proud of “100% college acceptance”.

And since the rest of the Louisiana schools end up in the academic cellar, Idea called it to give up Baton Rouge. He apologized to the parents, saying that “we did not provide the academic results that our students deserve.”

East Chief of East Baton Rouge Lamont Cole schools said on Wednesday that he recommended Colorado -based Third Future Schools to take up Idea Bridge, home of 1100 students, and New Orleans based on Audubon, home Students. This will be Audubon’s first charter school in Baton Rouge.

They would manage Bridge’s innovations and the idea for the 2025-26 school year, the last year of the three-year IDEA Charter. Charter schools are public schools that are privately managed through charters or contracts.

East Baton Rouge Parish School School School School School calls at 5:00 pm on Thursday to vote Cole’s recommendations to replace the idea. The board is expected to go with the head of the chief as he ordered him to identify a replacement for the departure operator of Texas.

The third future operates two schools in Louisiana, including the Batton Rouge Academy. It specializes in school turnover. This school was opened in 2023 on the campus of the former Preskot high school. He won a degree D letter after his first year in operation and has about 430 students.

Audubon manages two schools in New Orleans. Charter School Audubon has a class with a letter and more than 900 students, while the Audubon Charter Gentilly has C and about 450 students.

On January 16, when the East Baton Rouge School Board accepted the New For Idea Bridge and Idea Innovation broadcast, members unanimously voted to get Cole to identify one or more operators for both schools and return to the board with recommendations.

Cole said he was considering inquiries from five charter groups before settling in the third future and Oduben, and they both consider them the most resources to manage the two schools.

The chief holds his options open after the school year 2025-26, stating that he can build a new contract with the third future or Odubun or go in another direction.

Meanwhile, IDEA’s Charter School staff told the students’ parents on January 7 that she was closing the two schools, terminating a seven -year -old raid in Louisiana. In its peak, the idea operates four schools in the Pelican country, teaching more than 3,000 students.

IDEA plans to continue operating both schools that train about 1900 students by the end of the school year in May.

The influential new non -profit schools for Baton Rouge are negotiating with leaders of ideas for developing a plan to transition for students and employees in both schools.

This week, the non -profit organization announced that it has hired an organization called Civic Solutions Group to provide one to one for one for IDEA families and students. This support includes guidelines for identifying and applying to their next school and organizing recruitment events with other local charter schools.

New Baton Rouge schools also encourage ideas teachers to find new jobs using their Teach 225 accommodation service online.

In 2018, when the first ideas that schools opened in Louisiana arrived with a large fanfare led by a “proven operator” with schools in Texas, which were ranked among the best in the country and graduates who routinely continued at College S

However, the ideal schools slipped poorly during the coronavirus pandemic and did not recover enough to lose their negative grades. Both IDEA BRIDGE and IDEA Innovation have received degrees of letter or low DS, as the state began to evaluate its public schools again in 2022.

Both currently have FS.

Both schools opened in new buildings of 1500 N. Airway Drive and 7800 Innovation Drive, respectively. Bridge serves students at North Baton Rouge while innovations served students at South Baton Rouge.

IDEA has both buildings, so the Charter Group will need to reach conditions with other school operating organizations that seek to use these sites.

Both IDEA BRIDGE and IDEA Innovation won three -year renewal of its charters in early 2023, expanding operations in the summer of 2026, however, the leaders of the school system warned that they were renewed again, unless the results of the tests were renewed They do not improve significantly.

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