
Scientist Athlete of the Week: Jed Dickens of North Florida Christian – WCTV

Scientist Athlete of the Week: Jed Dickens of North Florida Christian – WCTV

Tallahasee, Florida (WCTV) – Imagine transferring your senior season somewhere and not only fit exactly, you have a huge impact. This is the story of the center of North Florida Christian 6’10 Jed Dickens. It is safe to say that his presence has been noted.

“Stat Wise, I think it’s in eleven points, ten boards in the game,” said chief coach Chris Hurt. “It clogs the tape and its length of the protective end has a huge impact on our game.”

Great impact in a short time. His last season in North Florida Christian is his first.

“I think my team was very good at taking my ball,” Dickens said. “I’m just trying to help my team win games.”

“All the players have accepted it since day one,” Hurt added. “He’s in the gym has been working hard from day one.”

Respect that has been won. Dickens fights during an early season injury.

“I torn two links before the practice formally began.”

“It was difficult for him,” Hurt added. “It was difficult.”

“It really showed me how long it was, how much time I had and how I really had to focus on my studies,” Dickens said.

Testament for his bustle.

“If you enter work, you will see the results.”

It is that Mantra Dickens takes with it in the classroom, where there is 3.9 GPA.

“This has always been a rule in my household, first school, and then basketball,” he laughed. “The whole study is definitely worth it. Although it wasn’t so fun, it really pays off. “

“If you are hardworking, it will correlate in every aspect of your life,” Hurt said. “If you are not hardworking, you will see this. For him, fortunately, he works hard in all aspects of his life and it shows. “

This is an impact that Dickens has only had a season with the Eagles.

“His personality, he is a very respectful child and I think it helps him to fit into every culture that is around,” Hurt said.

A culture that has helped to change, and one that is eager to add. Dickens said he was weighing his capabilities in the scholarship, but said he was interested in something in the medical field and marine biology.

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