
Full text: Democratic response to South Carolina State at the State Address –

Full text: Democratic response to South Carolina State at the State Address –

Governor McMaster delivered his address on Wednesday night.

Columbia, SC – South Carolina Senator Margi Braith Matthews gave the democratic response on Wednesday to the state at the government’s address Henry McMaster.

McMaster spent speech speaking the state’s economy and discussed and outlines his plans for educational and energy policy.

Here is the full text of Matthew’s remarks prepared for delivery.

Good evening, fellow southern Carolini, I am Senator Margi Bright Matthew.

Tonight I stand in front of you as a senator and a defender-some who is deeply invested in the well-being of every South Carolinets. Although the governor has drawn a picture of progress, I am here to share the truth about the challenges in which the state continues to stand up, as well as the actions and opportunities that we cannot afford if we intend to prosper real S

Our economy cannot be as healthy as you described, the governor, as our financial committee recently revealed a $ 1.8 billion discrepancy in our treasury, which ultimately led to the resignation of the General Controller and the auditor.

Last year, cashier Loftis testified under the oath that he knew where he was $ 1.8 billion and that he had earned interest over $ 250 million. Now they say that $ 1.8 billion has never existed – thoughtful money.

Yet, our leadership continues to support Loftis cashier, knowing that we cannot afford to entrust the financial resources of our country to a politician who has proven that he knows nothing about the protection and investment of people’s money.

Governor, how can the economy of our country flourish if you are not ready to ask for transparency and keep the casket Loftis responsible? The Securities Exchange Commission is investigating South Carolina. There are numerous potential tax consequences. The damage that this bad management could do to our country’s credit rating would be detrimental.

Where is the money, Loftis cashier?

And where is the accountability, governor? The bush stops with you.

Taxpayers in South Carolina deserve answers, especially when it is estimated that it will cost us nearly $ 15 million to audit, protecting and monitoring the state cashier.

We cannot continue to pay millions to external accountants to “hold” the cashier’s hand. Shouldn’t this money go for education, workforce development and investment in critical infrastructure?

Every move that the government of the state influences the economy of South Carolina and the hardworking taxpayers who love our country as much as we do. From education to healthcare to job creation, the state of the economy of our country influences the quality of life of every South Carolignan.

As a state senator representing the Coleton, Borfort, Hampton, Jasper and Charleston, one of the things I am proud of is that the legislators on both sides of the path – Republicans and Democrats – works tirelessly to bring jobs In our country.

We all wind up our sleeves and worked together to provide opportunities for economic development such as Google, Boeing, Keurig, Dr. Pepper, Nestlé and Scout Motors. We are proud of these successes and are just as proud of the many small businesses that call the home of South Carolina.

In order to prepare for these new jobs, we must invest in:

  • Infrastructure enhancements such as clean energy and broadband access
  • A strong education system
  • Partnerships for Workforce Workforce with High Schools and Technical Colleges
  • Certificates of raising children that meet the needs of growing workforce
  • Dwelling
  • The creation of a high -speed transit system that provides innovative travel opportunities for workers who can live in one part of the country and work in another

South Carolina ranks 42nd by education. When we are recruiting new industries in our country, the first question they ask is:

“How do your schools present at national level?”

Companies know that they will need an educated workforce.

Governor, the answer is not a “choice”. Instead of sending our tax dollars to private schools, we first have to fully fund our public schools – something that South Carolina has neglected for decades.

Many South Carolina children in need of quality education have no choice. Neither their parents.

Bills for school vouchers such as the one we are discussing this year, only discourages and dismantle public education even more. Taking money from public schools and giving it to private schools will not improve the results of education for thousands of children who need it most.

Our state school districts need every dollar that private school vouchers will pay off their expenses as a student. If this voucher account passes, our ranking will fall.

South Carolina will not be able to create or maintain a well -educated workforce if we continue to exhaust the lottery funds for education, knowing that revenue is already decreasing.

Our state leaders should bear in mind that everyone wants to spend a good life in order to afford to raise a family and ultimately retire with dignity. This will not be possible if we are discouraging the education lottery in South Carolina, which made the college achieved for thousands of families in South Carolina.

With five million inhabitants, South Carolina is small compared to our border countries. However, we seem to be legislation every year, based on the results of the border countries such as Georgia and their school voucher and problems with the claims of a tort.

It is time to stop peeking into the card of the governor’s reporter Kemp and start dealing with our own challenges – here in South Carolina.

  • Financing our mandates
  • Training our workers
  • Preparation of innovative investment in infrastructure
  • Housing and healthcare guarantee are available and affordable

And since you want to look, just look at what North Carolina’s insurance companies do.

Why would we like to make it difficult for South Carolins to seek justice after they were wrong? Or are the jurors vitalized – every day people who fulfill their civil debt – just because big insurance companies do not want to pay?

We need to protect both insurance enterprises and the injured citizens by putting restrictions on the increase in coverage and not allowing insurance companies to do here what they have done in North Carolina and Florida, where some still refuse to pay legal claims from natural ones Disasters such as Hurricane Helen.

South Carolina is a special condition that we are blessed to call home.

Still, every year, the super majority of legislators based on what the neighboring states-investigating national stories do to win the next elections.

Governor McMaster, the dollar stops with you.

Republicans have been controlling our state government for more than twenty years. Your party has a super majority in the House and the Senate.

South Carolina people will be horrified to learn that this fiscal fiasco in the cashier’s office dates back to 2017.

This has received our one -party domination:

  • There are no billions of our tax dollars.
  • Our schools are insufficiently funded.
  • Our infrastructure breaks down.

Instead of spending more dollars on taxpayers to continue concealment, this money may be better spent, giving the southern Carolini a real reduction in income tax or reducing income taxes.

Imagine how more attractive the South Carolina would be to the industries if we did it.

A government, which is from people and for people, must be responsible to people.

Let’s work together to improve the lives of all southern Carolini and make our country the best, which can be.

God bless our great state!

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