Before he introduced herself on Thursday at a rally with the democratic Vice President, the nominee for Vice President Tim Walz, Grammy winner James Taylor made sure to tell the crowd what it means to be a Democrat.
“My father was always a real son Democrat,” Taylor said. “He passionately welcomed the Civil Rights Act and he remained a son. When we lived here, he had the feeling that North Carolina was a place … It happily engaged in the challenges we have, and I think this is so presented by all which are here tonight.
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Noting the status of North Carolina as the staff of the battlefield, Taylor also said he was proud that North Carolina was “able to save the country”.
“We don’t have time to fool ourselves,” he said. “We have to get to work.”
During the Harris-Wolz rally at the Greenfield Lake amphitheater, Taylor invited the crowd to sing “America” Beautiful “before continuing with the performance of his most popular songs, including Sweet Baby James and Carolina in my mind S The crowd sang with the chorus to “dry people”.
The 76-year-old joined the stage by his wife Kim and his son Henry, who performed some of James’ many hits.
Before Taylor introduces himself, Walz criticized the Trump-Vans campaign by providing remarks focused on education, public safety, weapons violence, reproductive freedom and other problems.
This article originally appeared at Wilmington Starnews: James Taylor performs on Rally Tim Walz in Wilmington, North Carolina, North Carolina