
Murder charges: St. Paul Man shot a victim during an October robbery attempt – Star Tribune

Murder charges: St. Paul Man shot a victim during an October robbery attempt – Star Tribune

St. Paul Fatally shot his victim in the back with AK-47-style pistol during an attempt at robbery last October, according to allegations of murder raised Wednesday.

Ramsay’s law firm has accused Castede Thomas Jr. of St. Paul, with two charges of second-degree murder of 42-year-old Nicholas Stoyni of Little Canada when attempting to rob a minute after the Slotta Kara Thomas and at least three others to the Speedway gas station In Roshil.

According to the loading documents, Thomas and another man may have tried to rob Sletten for marijuana and M30 pills, which often contain fentanyl.

The officers found Sankon lying on a boulevard near Jackson Street and Wheelock Parkway around 9:25 pm on October 14, 2024.

He was stationary and struggled to breathe when officers arrived, but his condition worsened before the paramedics took him to the hospital in the regions. Sletten was declared dead slightly later by a firearm at the back.

Investigators were sailing on stage, noting a bullet hole in the door of the driver of the stitch Silhodo on Styon, who also pierced Slaton’s hand. Daughter-in-law told him that Sankon had left the house earlier that evening and she was told about 9:34 that his dogs had ran to her home. She didn’t hear or see the shooting but says that Sleth sometimes He sold marijuana and used M30 pills. She wasn’t sure if he was also selling pills.

Video shots were filmed three people running south of Jackson, minutes after the shooting, and a witness told police that he had heard the shooting and believed that he was shot dead by one of the passengers.

Investigators have drawn Sletten’s Evidence Truck, finding DNA samples and a bullet housing. They coincide with these samples on November 6, 2024 with Thomas.

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