Topeka, Kan. (WIBW) – All this snow and ice, which fell three weeks ago in the Topeka area, will probably continue to melt away, as a larger time is forecast over the next few days.
This means that some unloved roads can turn into a little slop, staff said.
“Between the snow and the rain, every unloved road will become a mess in some areas, so please be careful until it has dried,” said a post on Wednesday morning on the sheriff of Pottawatomie County on Facebook. “The choice to go to make donuts in the farmer area is also a bad idea.”
According to the National Meteorological Service Service in Topeka, a few days with warm, but rainfall is offered for northeastern Kansas with chances of rain at the end of Wednesday and ending on Friday morning.
The Meteorological Service says there is a chance to mix the snow with the rain on Thursday night on Friday.
High temperatures are expected to be around 49 degrees on Wednesday, with about 45 degrees high Thursday and Friday is about 48 degrees.
Temperatures are expected to be even warmer this weekend with maximums in the mid-1950s, both Saturday and Sunday in the Topeka region.
Much of the snow, which fell earlier this month, was distracted in the Topeka area, although some still remain.
Topeka received a huge 14.1 inches of snow over the weekend on January 4 and 5, after which he received an additional 2.5 inches of snow at the top four days later on Thursday, January 9, according to the National Meteorological Service.
14.1 inch snowfall is the third largest common, as national records for meteorological services are stored in the capital, beginning in 1887.
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